Never felt pain like this before!

Yes red meat is not on the list but he still told me to eat it on a limited basis.
Problem is that I eat meat almost every meal. I've known for a long time my diet sucked and needed to change but I always thought it would have to change from high cholesterol not gout ? Just a quick lesson from above that I need to take better care of myself is all.

My toe and I thank you for the well wishes.
I was going to ask if you drink sweet tea. Everytime I have one, bang, the pain comes. If I have one, I'm popping endomethacin that night as a preventative.

Here's a list of foods to avoid. Notice red meat is not on the list

According to the American Medical Association, purine-containing foods include:

Beer, other alcoholic beverages.
Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring.
Organ meat (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)
Legumes (dried beans, peas)
Meat extracts, consomme, gravies.
Mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower.

I wish you and your big toe well.

Looks like Im in good shape except for the alcohol :laugh:

That sucks Blanca :-(. Time to tell the Cuban Dragon to start cooking better! No more disgustingly good Cuban dinners for you all the time! :laugh:

I had a cuban neighbor back when i lived in North Cape Coral back in Florida. They cook AMAZING.
Well about a month ago my big right toe swole up and was killing me.
Didn't kick anything or do anything I could think of to make it hurt. Went to dr got X-rays. They found nothing so dr sent me home with some pain meds and told me to go see a podiatrist. Pain went away after a few days so I did what every man does, no pain no need for another dr visit, right?
Two days ago my left big toe started to hurt. Same feeling same place , right in the knuckle of my big toe. Today I woke up , got up and the pain was so intense I got dizzy and threw up! Like standing on broken glass it is. It's bleeping killing me, like I smashed it with a hammer. So this morning I walked in to a foot specialist. After a short exam he said 'Congratulations you've got Kings disease!' ??? Huh uh do wha.....? What's that I asked him?
He said Gout :( Due to poor diet I guess. So now my foot is killing me and the list of food he gave me to eat is basically everything your mother could not get you to eat when you were little :laugh: :( :cry:

So Vegans flame on.....too much red meat got me.

Ouch! Condolences.

While eating less meat or going vegetarian or vegan is a good move for health in general, it's doubtful that meat alone is the issue. Although I've heard of gout for years and knew that it was a form of arthritis and that it was considered a disease of the wealthy and thought to be related to diet, it seem that the condition is not understood very well in terms of cause.

It seems that the best they can figure is that undersecretion or overproduction of uric acid is the most common underlying symptom. However, half of all cases are in patients that DO NOT have high uric acid levels. Similarly, only about 10% of those who do have high uric acid (Hyperuricemia) ever develop gout. So, lowering uric acid decreases but does not eliminate one's risk.

What seems most clear is that a comination of common health issues is present in 75% of cases:

"Gout frequently occurs in combination with other medical problems. Metabolic syndrome, a combination of abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and abnormal lipid levels occurs in nearly 75% of cases.[3] Other conditions which are commonly complicated by gout include: polycythemia, lead poisoning, renal failure, hemolytic anemia, psoriasis, and solid organ transplants.[6][13] A body mass index greater than or equal to 35 increases a male's risk of gout threefold.[9] Chronic lead exposure and lead-contaminated alcohol are risk factors for gout due to the harmful effect of lead on kidney function.[14] Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is often associated with gouty arthritis."


So, one of the best things one can do is to get into/maintain heart healthy shape. And, of course, that does typically involve at least consuming less meat. Vegetarians and vegans typically, though not always, enjoy a great advantage in this regard.

Whatever choices you make, a diet for health is always a good idea. Eat to live, not the other way round. :)

BTW, I'm vegan and I just finished dinner: Pasta and sausage in creamy sauce with cheese topping. Was great! Oh...but the sausage contained no meat (and you'd never know it), the cream sauce contained no dairy (and you'd never know it) and the chees contained no dairy (you might know that...cheese is the tough item to make a mock version of, but this stuff is pretty tasty for most applications, just don't eat it by itself. :laugh:)

Good luck on a quick and full recovery!
I was going to ask if you drink sweet tea. Everytime I have one, bang, the pain comes. If I have one, I'm popping endomethacin that night as a preventative.

Here's a list of foods to avoid. Notice red meat is not on the list

According to the American Medical Association, purine-containing foods include:

Beer, other alcoholic beverages.
Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring.
Organ meat (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)
Legumes (dried beans, peas)
Meat extracts, consomme, gravies.
Mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower.

I wish you and your big toe well.

FYI: It seems that current medical opinion is that purine rich foods are not thought to be at fault.

"Dietary causes account for about 12% of gout,[2] and include a strong association with the consumption of alcohol, fructose-sweetened drinks, meat, and seafood.[4] Other triggers include physical trauma and surgery.[6] Recent studies have found dietary factors once believed to be associated are in fact not, including the intake of purine-rich vegetables and total protein.[8][9] The consumption of coffee, vitamin C and dairy products as well as physical fitness appear to decrease the risk.[10][11][12] This is believed to be partly due to their effect in reducing insulin resistance.[12]"

From: Gout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hope you get feeling better soon. Hopefully it's not your shifting foot, you can always use the front brake only if needing to ride. :rulez:
Try some black cherry juice. My dad had a problem with gout, started drinking black cherry juice, cleared up quickly. Hope this helps...
Try some black cherry juice. My dad had a problem with gout, started drinking black cherry juice, cleared up quickly. Hope this helps...

+1000000000000000000 this works for me!!! It is an intense pain :banghead:. The cherry juice has a natural anti-inflammatory in it. Make sure its pure and not from concentrate.
I feel for you, because of a high fat content in my body "triglycerides" it was supposed to be under 2 and it was 39 I have had to give up eating meat, no more bacon sandwiches. Anyway hope it clears up soon good luck. Dave.
I've had medical things creep up on me like that, was told to "diet and exercise", I did and no improvement.
What I found was that increasing the exercise TEN fold was my cure. I ride a bicycle and not run because of the jarring/slamming of running (especially when your're older).
My example is I went from 30 miles a week on a bicycle to 150 miles weekly! It has virtually eliminated medical issues for me....I'm not saying I am indestructible, just that what I thought was intense and a lot was nothing compared to what I do now and my condition as a 64 year old is really blowing my mind (like dropping so called in shape 30 year olds up hills, etc.).
Just trying to throw out a possibility! Good luck with whatever you do.

BTW, do we have to call you "your highness" now? Doyle
Lay off what is bad for you and when you are better have the Dr. get you on Alipurinal. I have not had any problems for over a year.

Take one tablet daily.
Most impressive! :bowdown:

I don't even drive 150 miles per week! :laugh:


Well said! Same here. 14 mile commute = 70 miles a week. If I don't ride on the weekends, no where near 150 miles.

Hats off on the biking. I actually have been considering bicycles for a while now and I've got a bit more inspiration to get one sooner rather than later. :)
My first gout attack was back in 05. Felt like my left ankle wanted to detach from my leg. I was on crutches for a month. Couple months back had a flare up on my right big toe. Took medication ASAP before it became and attack. All good to go now. Lasted a few days.
hey how do you ride and carry around that jug of green fluid they show on the commercial for gout??

seriously tho, sorry to hear, i take ALLOPURINOL to cut down on the uric acid levels that my body makes, seems to help, but every once and while i get a flare up and the joints in my toes hurt like hell.