Never ridden Sport Thinking of Hayabusa trade "Help"


First off welcome.. second... I would never buy a second hand sport bike (but that is just me)

What kind of riding do you LOVE... cruising and "sport" cruising are as different as the Busa and a Harley.. I am torn between the 2 myself.. nothing like cruising a big lazy bike down the road or tearing up bits of asphalt with the rear tire as you boil down a twisty road..

I have no idea what your bike is worth but I doubt trading it for an old sport bike is in your best interest... sell it outright and then start wheeling dealing on a "new" 09-10 busa (just my opin)
Welcome to the Org!
Advice i live by: Never sell or trade a bike to get a bike. Guess thats why i am always adding on to my garage!

I have found being a first time sport rider after 35 plus years of harley riding, that you can have fun and be safe on a busa. Learning to ride it extremely well will take me another 35 years...:poke:
Welcome to the org.
I agree with suzuki4life..... that's biike seems overpriced. My 99 unrestricetd only books at $4200 or so.

I'd say get a Busa...but not that Busa! A stock Busa is plenty fast and not as twitchy as that modified Busa....and probably not as beaten on.
Keep shopping!
I went from a Harley to the Busa and have never had a single regret. The Busa is much easier to handle than my Harley was (883 Sportster)...

I am sure you'd do fine, just know that while the Busa is a fast bike, it still goes 25 mph if needed. Welcome to the oRg :welcome:
:welcome: My Wife had a Mean Streak, Beautifull Bike but I never liked the handling of it. Seemed really front end heavy on turns. She dropped it Three times so I figured I'd try to get her to trade. She traded for a GSXR600 and hated it at first but when we lowered it and she rode it awile she learned to like it. In my opinion, all sport bikes handle easier than cruisers. I've had both. You'll be fine with the Busa but I agree with getting a new one over a used one, especially if you don't know the background of the bike. It won't take you long to get used to it if you've been riding for awile. Respect the power and you'll do fine. Besides that, Look at the good company you'll be in hangin around with here :thumbsup:on the ORG.
They do have a point. When was the last time you sold a bike or car because it ran too well?
They do have a point. When was the last time you sold a car or bike because it worked to well?
:welcome: My Wife had a Mean Streak, Beautifull Bike but I never liked the handling of it.

Nothing mean about mean streak. Yamaha warrior 1700 handles well for a
cruiser and faster. Would take an expert on a Busa to beat one out of the
hole for the 1st 50'.
Do you like going fast? Can you handle tremendous acceleration? A hayabusa is a very easy bike to ride imo if you are capable. I bought mine after a few months on a Kawi
500r and have no regrets. From what I have gathered in my limited expierience is that some people just should not ride sportbikes. Some folks are not responsible enough to handle all they have to offer and others never really feel comfortable on them and always seem nervous when they ride. If you think you can handle it go for it! If you don't think you handle it but it's still something you want to pursue, find someone to mentor you. Sometimes a little good advice can go a long way.
Thanks for all the feedback ,you guys are awesome. And I learned a lot, like you can ride a bus and not die I did not know that.

But as for the bike in the ad, i've found out a few things, first that bike has been traded over and over again, as in the title has different names all over it.Second it has no pipes just headers (great)plus the engine has been reworked cams and FI so they say. Plus no one knows who made the upgrades or who the first owner was .

So at this point I still want a Hayabusa but this one sound like to much of a mess.
I'm with you on that one and I would stay away from it.

Keep an eye on the classified section here. There's usually pretty good deals in there especially since we are coming up on the end of the season for most of the riders out there. Good luck bro and :welcome: