New Personal Plate

Is it just me, or is that chain WAY loose. Just looks like a LOT of sag in the top. :super:

The edge of the street going to the curb slopes downward. I had just lowered the bike in these pictures and the bike is standing almost perfectly vertical because the kickstand is too long. I had to park the wheel against the curb so I could take the picture without it falling over.

A welding shop is cutting an inch out of the kickstand for $10. It does look loose with the slack on top, but it is adjusted properly.
I see... Hey, my bud is looking to get a bike for his girlfriend. She is having a hard time finding one that feels balanced for her. She thinks most of them are top heavy and is afraid they will tip over with her too easily. I'll suggest looking at one of these. Maybe the lower CG will be more suitable to her.

Must be nice havin' a girl willing to ride. I mentioned taking the bike to the mountains the other day and the girl I'm seeing now said, "I'll follow you in my car if you want to take it. I don't mind." At least she's cool with me riding... SO FAR.
The Katana is very top heavy, and most other bikes have wide seats. The YZF600 was the only bike that felt right and would be perfect if you lowered it.

My wife loves to ride, but her problem is she doesn't ride frequently enough to increase her skills. She had her cruiser bike for two years, but it only has 1700 miles on it. She will ride on the twisties, but will freak-out if she has to stop on an incline. When we ride, she'll lag 1/4 mile behind if I don't slow up constantly.

I'm lucky she is interested in the same hobbies as I am. She loves to fly in my plane, where the majority of the guy's who fly that I know, their significant other hate it. I got my Sailing certificate last year, but I haven't got her out in the water yet. That may be because she doesn't know how to swim. :)

Goodluck getting your friend on back of the Busa. I know at least three guy's in my area who sold their bike because their girlfriend, not wife, didn't like them riding. I know that won't happen to you because you are a manly man with the golden gun. :biggrin:
I understand sacrifices and such in relationships, but I would never ask anyone not to do anything they loved doing just because I didn't want to do it, or because I worried about them while they done it. I say go do it and enjoy your friggin' self and I'll see you when you get back! With that in mind, it would be unacceptable for anyone to ask me not to do something I love doing just because they don't like to do it, or because they worry about me while I'm doing it.

The fastest way someone I'm seeing could get "dismissed" would be to try and make me give up something I love and enjoy doing. Life's too short for that shiot! :wink:

I think the reason there are so many divorces and domestic disputes these days is because everybody tries to change to impress someone and then after they're married for a while they go back to their old ways/habits/hobbies and the fireworks are ON! Won't happen to me. I'm going to be me. If they like me, it's because they like ME, not who I'm pretending to be in hopes of impressing them. If they don't like me, it's because they don't like ME, so piss on 'em and feed 'em fish sticks. :laugh:

I'm just plain, straight up Bullet, like me or not. :beerchug: