new to motorcycles


hey, i havcent ridden motorcycles much, only dirt bikes on occasion. i was thinking about getting a hayabusa to ride to school next year. will mostly be in town, but some freeway/country road riding (will probably take country road to school). im taking the motorcycle saftey course in april and will get the bike shorty afterward. im 6ft and around 170, but pretty strong so i think i can handle it. would have about 2 months of practice to get use to it b4 i hit the streets with it. would the hayabusa be acceptable? i'm a pretty fast learner and very careful...i dont do any of that crazy stuff. the hayabusa an acceptable choice?
sry for the long post, and thatnks in advance.
I think you need to lower your sights to something less than the speed and power the Busa delivers. Especially if this a 1st street machine for you. This is a machine that requires maturity and respect. My 1st m/c was a suzuki GS550 in the early 80s. Remember they all can go pretty fast. I've been riding for over 20 years and have moved up the ranks in cc's to owning a Busa now. Take it slow so you'll be able to enjoy sport later in life.

I would liken this to learning to drive in a Williams FI racing car.Best of luck,the dirt biking you have done is really irrelevent to riding a sports bike.There is no shame in learning on a 600 or 750 as these will still amaze you with the power delivery and roadspeed they produce.
I went from riding dirt bikes to a CBR 600.  It was a great first bike I just wished that I had spent more time playing on it.  I rode it for two years mainly on the highway and though I knew what I was doing.  So I bought a Busa in Nov.2000 and Hit a tree in March 2001.  It is now Jan 2002 and I only have about 1800 miles on it because I broke my leg in four places and was out of commission for the whole summer.  I went from 80mph (or so) to tree in 2.5 sec.  One #### of a ride.   Learn how to take corners on something else lighter and a little slower.  This bike will get you in to trouble a lot faster than your experence will get you out of it and it sucks.  This I know!! And as for "i dont do any of that crazy stuff" This bike makes doing that crazy stuff way to much fun. I really didn't do much crazy stuff on my 600 but on this thing I just can't help myself. It maybe a little easier now. Now having said that I wouldn't trade mine for all the tea in China.
You really need to ask yourself this one, as I tell people every time this is asked. Some people are naturals, while others couldn't ride even a bicycle if their life depended on it. Myself, I was into off-roading a bit before I got into street bikes. My first on-road bike? Well, the very Hayabusa I ride now, 17K miles later. I knew what I was getting into, though, and I didn't have to ask a soul if it was too much to start.

As far as 600s and 750s go, every time I see this topic, several people suggest this as a starter bike. Well, they can easily hit 165+ mph and their fairings cost several hundred more than the busa (compare new lowers at $380 for the busa to $475 for the GSXR each side... that's the cheapest you can get them, too ... plus shipping). Their frames are also more delicate than other bikes due to the thinner metal for weight savings. I definitely wouldn't call them starter bikes. A used 250 is more like it.

My advice, then, research your options. Take the MSF course for starters and get your endorsement. You should be able to gauge where you stand after taking this course, too. If you have that natural instinct for bikes and feel comfortable, get a busa, take it to a private road or lot and practice as much as you can. Ease into traffic and keep going back to practice. It took me a couple months to start feeling completely natural with the control (note: not over-confidence, you need to control that and keep yourself in check, don't twist it wide open only to find yourself hot in a corner not knowing what to do!).

Otherwise, if you find yourself not able to quickly react to situations, for instance, you couldn't safely swerve to miss a car that just pulled out in front of you or you wouldn't eventually be able to drag your knees into a sharp corner that just popped out over a hill, then get something cheap and small. If you still find your reactions can't cope, question your place on the road with only two wheels. Getting on any bike, big or small, slow or fast, is a big risk you take. I live in a big city, and I ride almost every single day. I know what it is like to have my life threatened from people pulling out of left turns and right turns, people with road rage and slippery road conditions to top that. I have come very close to losing my life once, too. Remember, being able to control a bike is only a small part of the game as you aren't the only one on the road, and the road itself isn't perfect.
If you think you want a Busa then I highly recommend that you get this Video.   It will have you running down to the dealer that day. Its a great video and it actually has decent music not that heavy crap most vidoes have.
Mach 2

The ultimate high-speed encounter in the worlds first 200mph road test between the ourageous Suzuki Hayabusa and its persuers, the Yamaha R1, the Honda Super Blackbird and the venerable Kawasaki ZZR1200 as they scream across the continent at speeds in excess of police helicopters, light planes and anything ever built on four wheels. Watch as the FB boys put on a stunning display of rear-wheel power steering the like of which has never

[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Oh, the last few minutes are screwed, but the end is a re-hash, so you're not missing much there.
I just wanted to add a couple more things to what I wrote last night. Its not the bike that broke my leg it was the asshol riding it.  Just know your limits and you will be fine.  And if you are anything like me the bike is already in the garage.
Just remember opinions are like sugarbritches.  Everyone has one and they all stink!!
I don't see why you got off into that last comment there, jwcfbd. I don't think anyone here was trying to offend anyone else.

You are right, though, you need to know your limits and ride within them. This same question has been asked many times and I've been discussing it for a year now between four motorcycle boards. As a side note, when I was on the Gixxer board, when the question was asked if a 750 was too much a bike, practically everyone jumped to suggest starting on 500 cc or smaller. It is a matter of reference, really and if there were something much larger and faster than the busa, the busa would start seeming like a good starter bike.

Anyway, know what you are getting into. The busa has a touchy throttle. You don't need to move it much and for quite a while you will feel like you are going much slower than you really are (what feels like 60mph may be more like 90mph). Cornering takes some getting used to as well. You need to properly adjust the suspension and when cornering, you also need to shift your weight forward and move up on the bars to dive into corners. It takes practice and patience.
I was just thinking about what I said earlier and thought I was a littleoff key. I was not aiming that at anyone else other than myself. And you are right about 60 feeling like 90. It is very easy to do. Before you know it you are passing everyone on the road. Oops. Sorry if I offended anyone it was not my intensions.
I'm probably the biggest hypocrite. My Busa was in fact my first bike, after riding my Dad's Yamaha Heritage Special 650 and his H.D. 1200. First and foremost is safety... If you choose the Bus as your first bike take it easy. Respect what you have and gradually test your limits. The Bus is a powerful bike, but it has EXCELLENT throttle response and only gives what you ask. True, there is more potential for danger, and it does weigh a fair bit, but what the ####! I did it. Check with an insurance company too... find out what your getting into:) Good luck, ride safe:)

Well my American friends it seems I am going to have to put a Canadian twist on this thread.
In Ontario, where I live, buying a Hayabusa as a first bike would be greatly influenced by how much cash you have at your disposal. If you are under the age of 25 then your insurance will cost around $8000.00 a year. Being caught without insurance is a min. $5000.00 fine and the loss of your license for a time to be determined by the courts.
I am lucky to be able to own and operate this wonderful machine due to my age (36) and having been licensed for motorcyles since I was 16. If this was my first riding I would have to ride 500cc or less to afford the first hit in the pocketbook from the insurance companies. As I speak the companies are trying to jack the rates up to a max of 35%,Ouch
Something to think about
If your thinking about buying a BUSA for your first street bike I wont tell you no but cosider this the bike is no joke and you do need skills regardless of what movie you watch (although MachII and machIII are awesome videos especially if you own a BUSA ) If you own a bike like this for your first bike its going to take a while before you can enjoy it because of its power and you won't be as familiar with a streetbike or the other elemets such as DRIVERS . Its alot to get familiar with, check out a smaller bike but if not ride paranoid not scarrred and most of all be safe goodluck
Well I say go for it man if you like it buy it .

I know you want believe this but I saw the busa on the net and instantly I decided to buy it . I went and bought the bike and had it delivered and until that time I have never ridden a any sort of bikes . In fact I did not even know how to start it . I told my younger brother about it and he thought I was crazy , any way he came and started the bike for the first time. He wanted me to try it I did but I got scared so I asked him to park the bike . For several days I started the bike but never went on riding however, one day decided to ride and I did thereafter I got my license . I bought the bike August 2001 and yesterday I took my bike for the first service 1000km . I love the bike and I once went as far as 240 km for few seconds ...

my first bike was a busa too i went and bought a brand new 02 black and blue in november day after thanks giving.......ive been riding since i was 12 but a busa is a whole nother story........the speed is frikkin unreal it dont seem your going that fast 5'9'' solid built but the busa dont seem like it even notices im their .........well on dec 26th i had a couple drinks and got on the busa....i decided to stand up and whomp on the gas on the passenger pegs..............i went one way my bike went the that i got the bike back i dont do nothing stupid on it .......but if i was able to do it all over again i would of got an r-6 sweet bike turns like a charm pretty fast......the msf course helps i took it but....its different on a busa because the bike makes speed seem slow.........good luck.........semper fi.......sgt. schmud
....its different on a busa because the bike makes speed seem slow[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Ya see this is what I need to help me be less idiotic on a bike like the Hayabusa. I'm 43 years old, been married 25 years. Got a 22 year old daughter and a 19 year old son. I have rode and owned many bikes. I was the first in my squadron in Germany to get a ZX11 Ninja in Germany. Can you say "Autobahn Rules?" haha

But the point I am trying to get to here is that will such elegant power, and ease of reaching deadly speeds, one must realize some humility and respect the machine.

Like was said above, a 600 would be great for dinking around. Respect the 'Busa if you want to live long.

Peace bros.

I have a 21 year old son graduating college in June and a 17 year old son starting college in Sept. I have been riding for some 30 years (was 49 this Feb.). I bought my Busa last June new (01') and have put 16,000 miles of enjoyment on the Busa. I would not trade it, but you always have to respect it.
I have been riding bikes for approx 30 years. You do not need to be afraid of the busa, just respectful of it. It has very quick throttle response, but is much lighter on it's feet than it looks. It is a brute if you want it to be, but also very sweet around town due to nice clutch, lack of drive-line snatch, and low rpm torque which allows ultra-smooth, slow take-offs.

A favorite trick of mine is to be in stop and go traffic and never put my feet down, just get it down to about 1mph and feather the clutch at idle to give enough forward motion for balance---like a trials bike. Then when the light turns green start a slow roll, check the radar detector, and then bring the front end up for a couple hundred feet.

The bike is a pussycat if you understand it. If you do not understand it, it WILL hurt you.