No more black cars in Kalifornia??

I'm going to open an all black vehicle car dealership on the border of each state that touches California.
Hmm.. Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Mexico (well they may as well be in the list) and Confusion... maybe Panic?

you of all people blasting CA? our liberal model? Home of Pelosi, Reid and Obama supporters? come on .... :rofl: Now I would have been more shocked to see surfer post up :laugh:

Southside, you going to bash right?

Sorry, no bash for me this year. I definitely want to make it to one though. I would really love to meet some of you guys. Maybe next year. Working for "the company" is making this year real interesting.

And I supported Obama, not the "Get along Gang". And right about now, I wish most of them would get the fu*k along out of the way!!

As always ............. I'm just saying

Yo Playa, you got any houses for sale near you? I'm thinking Houston is next on my list of places to live. My best friend lives down there. See you in just a few years.

Don't do it! Houston is the most polluted cess pool in the U. S. Summer starts in April and 85% humidity with 20 days above 100 is the norm. The other days are 85% humidity at 98 degrees.

The crime rate is horrible. The cops will steal stuff out of your car while you watch. I lived in DFW which is bad enough, but Houston is off the chart! :please:
Don't do it! Houston is the most polluted cess pool in the U. S. Summer starts in April and 85% humidity with 20 days above 100 is the norm. The other days are 85% humidity at 98 degrees.

The crime rate is horrible. The cops will steal stuff out of your car while you watch. I lived in DFW which is bad enough, but Houston is off the chart! :please:


You're just jealous, cause you don't have to take like 2-3 showers a day between June & the end of August !!
more insanity from our kalifornia lawmakers...more people are leaving this armpit of a state than are coming to it, but the coastal cities is where the concentration of left leaning fruit loops mostly live, as you head inland into farming communitys it becomes more conservative, and still further into the mountains it is conservative for the most part but that is changing as well as many have left the coast and are looking for better more affordable housing in the hills and valley...most of my friends have moved to Oregon to escape the confiscatory taxes here, and i am moving there to at some point as well, i was born and raised right where i live now and its just a mess here these days
Don't do it! Houston is the most polluted cess pool in the U. S. Summer starts in April and 85% humidity with 20 days above 100 is the norm. The other days are 85% humidity at 98 degrees.

The crime rate is horrible. The cops will steal stuff out of your car while you watch. I lived in DFW which is bad enough, but Houston is off the chart! :please:
How true about the horrible humidity? it should be called Armpit, Terxas
Don't do it! Houston is the most polluted cess pool in the U. S. Summer starts in April and 85% humidity with 20 days above 100 is the norm. The other days are 85% humidity at 98 degrees.

The crime rate is horrible. The cops will steal stuff out of your car while you watch. I lived in DFW which is bad enough, but Houston is off the chart! :please:

that humidity is good for your skin, you won't age as much!:laugh:
um.. thats such a pile of unconstitutional pooh its amazing. leave it to Kali to be stupid and try to enact such a stupid law ... how the hell does paint color impact the environment ???
I keep hearing these things, and thinking they're jokes. How wrong I was...

They are pretty funny, though!
I wanna see this pass...???

The problem is it doesn't have to pass. CARB, California Air Resources Board has wide ranging unlimited powers. They can do what they want. The Legislature is not involved in their decisions.

They have already banned fireplaces. Those that have them are told daily if they can or can not use them that particular day. You can't buy charcoal lighter fluid in some areas. Gas lawnmowers will soon be banned. There's even been talk of regulating dairy farmers because of the methane, cow farts, their operations produce.

They can regulate things that have nothing to do with emissions. They just have to reference some small link to it like the black cars. Last year there was an article in the paper about this. They have the same authority to dictate what color your paint your house, what building materials you can or can not use. Even deny you a building permit. It's also conceivable that they can stop roads from being built because roads bring traffic, traffic causes pollution.

They can bar certain model cars from the state based on fuel economy standards. Think it's a joke? Look how easy it was to ban the kid model M/C's just by revising a lead content standard.