NoMar Tire changer

I really think I'm going to go ahead and pull the trigger on this today... Thanks for the post. Yes, I hate to spend the doh but hate giving it away one tire at a time!
Once I own one, I've thought about going to all the local bike nights and hand out fliers for a mount and balance service. If all the shops charge from $20 to $40 per tire, I'd do it for $10 to $15. That would really pay for itself in a jiffy.
Yep but one very important word... Liability!

Insurance better have it!
Went with the cheapest, can,t remember the name right now I am at work will check later. Got the stand that goes into the reciver hitch. With that and my compresser and gen. i can fix tires about anywhere.
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tourbus @ Jul. 07 2008 said:
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dude get it, my good friend larry bought one 2months ago and it is a great little device, he got the peace that attachs it to the drop hitch on his truck, the 1st tire went a little quirky but after he got the steps down its easy to do a tire,and he's already done the rear on my busa and i have a front and rear for him to do on my zx-9R. he also contacted our local snap-on guy and asked if he had any used spin balancers and about 3wks later snap-on called with a balancer so he bought it and the hardware to do cycle wheels.
Cost of the Snap on wheel balancer is probably way more than a new no mar balancer... I figure the learning curve is going to be brutal. So which model did your friend go with? No Mar that is...
i will see him sometime this week and get all the facts, im pretty sure that the "used" balancer was relativly inexpensive though or he wouldnt of bought it l.o.l

Its a great machine, but not as easy as the video's show! It does take some practice to get used to it!
Talked to the guys in th club about getting a tire changer and balancer
last week. This way it will only cost us about 50 bucks or so