Tire Changer

I gotta get a set up---I'm tired of spending all that money at the dealership for a change. if I don't buy the tires from him he charges even MORE for a change!!!!
Prices here are at $90 a pair (off the bike) insanity...
I need to get a tire changer as well. I take mine to a buddy but I still gt charged like $30 a tire. Steve what does the Nomar bar look like, can you take a pic for us.
How hard is it using those manual machines to break the bead?? I have an old Accuturn air powered machine for cars and bikes,......and the bead breaker "grunts" whenever I change bike tires. My machine is not shiny and new like the pic though:poke:

How hard is it using those manual machines to break the bead?? I have an old Accuturn air powered machine for cars and bikes,......and the bead breaker "grunts" whenever I change bike tires. My machine is not shiny and new like the pic though:poke:

it is so easy to manually break the bead, it is almost scary. :thumbsup:

I am going to make this portable, with a receiver mount for out of town trips, take a set of spare tires (just in case) At the bash three of us needed a tire change, it was not the cost that was the issue, it was the time. Wheeler is more than reasonable ($15) for a carry in.
It was the time, NO ONE opens until 10am in Robbinsville. We wasted almost the entire day of riding on tire changing.

Same changer I have used for the past three years. I got the no-mar complete set-up to go with it, also wrapped the claws with exhaust wrap. :beerchug:
My No-Mar has got at least a 100 tires done on it now!

Best Investment, Yet! :beerchug:
Just bought the No-Mar Classic Ultimate. Can't wait for the Power Ones to get here to try it.
How about the balancing? Does it ride as smooth as one that has been computer balanced? I'm sure there must be a difference, but is it enough to notice?
I'm sick of being ripped by my dealer too. They won't mount the tires unless u buy from them, and there's no one else worth the drive.
This is my opinion.

Doubt a computer balance is any different. A balance is a balance. The computer saves time and brain cells by telling the operator where and how much weight to use.
With the manual balance you have to determine the amount of weight and where to place it.
Requires more time and brain cells.
How about the balancing? Does it ride as smooth as one that has been computer balanced? I'm sure there must be a difference, but is it enough to notice?
I'm sick of being ripped by my dealer too. They won't mount the tires unless u buy from them, and there's no one else worth the drive.

Easiest method I've found for balancing is dyna-beads. Some people hate em because they can be difficult to get through the valve stem but for those with a little more patience they are 100% worth it. :thumbsup:
Steve send MPH200 a PM he got some Nylon that was a direct bolt on for the rim clamps that keep you from gaking up your rims :beerchug:
Easiest method I've found for balancing is dyna-beads. Some people hate em because they can be difficult to get through the valve stem but for those with a little more patience they are 100% worth it. :thumbsup:

I'm interested in more info on the dyna-beads--I've heard so much controvery I don't know what to believe????
Hey steve, did you get the balancer from HF? I saw the pic with the hitch mount, but are you making that or does HF sell it too? I have the changer and have yet to use it, since I hadn't decided where to mount it in the garage. But dang son, Mounted to the work table is a great idea! Where's my drill? I'll weld the bolts on the underside of the table, since mine has the 1' side extensions and will be a pain to get to the underside all the time. thanks for the great ideas! :thumbsup:
I use that same set up, but I have Mojoblocks to keep from scratching the wheel edges. The No-Mar bar rocks.

Here you go:


I use a strap to keep the wheel from moving as well.