Not Another Oil Thread!!...poll??

Also notice the guys over on the ZX-14 forum have their own oil thread in full swing.
Oil and tires.. almost as arguable as politics and religion.:laugh:
I believe I stated that I offer no science.
I used each one for 3000 miles or so between both bikes.
Synthetic, semi synthetic or just plain old oil the stuff I mention above is what I like.
Although I did run plain Castrol in same viscosities for about 20k in the Zx11 first.
Yes I tore down the engine T totally before every oil change.
I Xrayed and microscopically inspected every one of the 276 parts contained and noticed numerous differences that I will let Goatkart explain to you just as soon as he's done testing my new Chinese footpegs :laugh:


Doooooood !

It would be nice if you wouldn't compare apples to oranges...

synthetic blend vs. full synthetic

How many miles did you use each different brand for ???

Did you tear down the engine(s) and check for wear ???

Any HP increase measured or increased fuel economy ???

Blah! Blah!! Blah!!!

It's a OIL THREAD...let it go dooood!!!

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Okay...I am outnumbered I know, but try this both of you.

Here is your assertion Tom:
Back to Mobil 1. Tried it on the third oil change because I'd read a lot of reviews saying it was sooo great. Made the already hard shifting bike shift even worse, to the point of being afraid of hurting something from all the missed shifts and false neutrals. Drained it at 1000 miles and went with the Motul, instant fix.:thumbsup:

And here is yours Blanca:
Tried Repsol, too clackety clack and noisy was the engine. Tried Motul with same result. The Castrol she idles nice and quiet with hardly any valve train or engine noise.

So, we have one rider who LOVES Motul because he is unable to make a smooth shift with any other oil. And we have another rider who HATES Motul because it makes his engine rough. Now, what is the variable here? The bike? Nope. The oil? Nope. The riders' perceptions? Bingo!!!!

My concern here is not for the thread starter to choose the best oil. No doubt he will buy whatever he thinks is best at the time despite this discussion and. assuming it is a name brand, I have no doubt his bike will be just fine.

No, my real worry is that Tom apparently sincerely believes that all of using Mobil 1 and making smooth shifts without false neutrals are working a miracle.

I'm sorry Tom, no amount of sarcasm can cover the sheer lunacy of your post. You mean you were constantly making poor shifts on this amazingly smooth bike because of your OIL???
Critter I think it is the BIKE. Hundreds of metal parts put together in puzzle form act differently with different oils going over them. His bike may well like and run better on one mine doesn't.
I would say this is similar to same philosophy of why I can't just email you my map for use in your bike and why a custom map is better.
The bikes are made with same parts right ? But each one requires a unique and individual tune to reap max reward. Why ? Because they are different. So again I think in no scientific way that is the oil.
And please remember that you've already admitted inferiority to my superiority :laugh:
It is true. I am humbled in your presence:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: for Tom...anyone who can't smooth shift this bike, with ANY oil, 30 years riding or not, has some learning to do!
Would you three just get a room and continue your "sword fight" somewhere else!
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I worked in the oil biz for years and most use a zinc additive package, castrol uses a calcium one. Motorcycles are different as there is a gearbox and clutch to lubricate also.
Since we can't use gear oil in the motor, we have to compromise. Suzuki suggests 10-40 but allows 20-50 in warmer climates. Most of the reviews seem to point to full synthetic with no energy saver additive is the best. Ams, rep. etc are di-ester based while mobil1 is paol based in which both have their own merits. The maintenance schedule calls for every 4k miles an oil/filter change so do we leave a synthetic in there twice as long? I'm not that trusting so most likely any motorcycle specific oil you like is just fine.
Okay...I am outnumbered I know, but try this both of you.

Here is your assertion Tom:

And here is yours Blanca:

So, we have one rider who LOVES Motul because he is unable to make a smooth shift with any other oil. And we have another rider who HATES Motul because it makes his engine rough. Now, what is the variable here? The bike? Nope. The oil? Nope. The riders' perceptions? Bingo!!!!

My concern here is not for the thread starter to choose the best oil. No doubt he will buy whatever he thinks is best at the time despite this discussion and. assuming it is a name brand, I have no doubt his bike will be just fine.

No, my real worry is that Tom apparently sincerely believes that all of using Mobil 1 and making smooth shifts without false neutrals are working a miracle.

I'm sorry Tom, no amount of sarcasm can cover the sheer lunacy of your post. You mean you were constantly making poor shifts on this amazingly smooth bike because of your OIL???

Ok science guy, so far you've done a pretty good job of keeping your nose in the air and assuming that I am, shall we say, of lesser intellegence, and totally unable to ride on the sole basis of the motor oil I use, and the results I experienced.
Now, let's hear what oil you use, why, and the results you've had with it.
That the best ya got ???
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Now you've been drawn into the uproar too.:rofl:

Ahh, I'm about done with it. It's getting boring, so bout time to wander along to other threads and topics.
Like I said, oil and tires rants usually make for good times on the forum.:thumbsup:
JEEZE!!!....I'll no better next time about posting oil threads:rofl:...such a Hornets Nest:laugh:Thanks Guys for all your info on Oil???from what I glean on this post,as long as ya know how to shift,ya can use any oil:rofl:but seriously,you guys should form a Comedy Group,esp. you Blanca:laugh: The Dr.