synthetic oil, 3 to choose from

All three of the oils you listed are excellent & will get the job done. You said you still have some Amsoil left over. I say stay with that. It's a great oil and many use it on here.
Mobil1, +100. Suzuki puts thier name on somebody's oil, the don't have thier own oil factories.
Mobil1, +100. Suzuki puts thier name on somebody's oil, the don't have thier own oil factories.

I've been running Royal Purple synth, But been considering switching to Mobil1 Synthetic....really because my local Kragens Stocks and sells it, Plus it seemz to be a popular choose?? :beerchug:
Mobil1, +100. Suzuki puts thier name on somebody's oil, the don't have thier own oil factories.

Same thing with Amsoil, they don't refine their oils either. They add their additives to a base stock they purchase. Of the three oils, only Mobil refines their own oils.
Whats changed? ???

I read an email when i was at brocks race shop a while back. he had sent off the oil to get analysis done on it cause they were getting some welded clutches using the new racing 4t that they were not getting with the old i guess. Anyway, the email basically said that the new formula had lower levels of, forgive me for not remembering, but lower levels of zinc and or phosphorus or something like that which is i guess what you want a lot of in an oil to protect the engine the best. any way, the word i got was that it was to make it work better with emissions i guess. maybe in Europe or something. I dont know.

No trying to be vague, sorry, its just been a while back when I saw it and im no oil expert so some one else might need to clarify this a little better than me...
i'm so anxious to try the amsoil in the busa and see how much smoother it runs/shifts. Right now i'm about 2400 on the clock, do u think it's critical i wait until 3000 or would it be fine changing it at 2400 to full synthetic
i'm so anxious to try the amsoil in the busa and see how much smoother it runs/shifts. Right now i'm about 2400 on the clock, do u think it's critical i wait until 3000 or would it be fine changing it at 2400 to full synthetic
You can change your oil when ever you like. Everyday if you wanted to.
You can change your oil when ever you like. Everyday if you wanted to.
I think he is asking if it is ok to go to synthetic oil with only 2400 miles on the bike? I don't know how long you should wait. I waited until I had 18,000 miles and then went with Motul, it has worked out great so far. I can definitely tell the difference in engine and shifting smoothness.
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My K8 shifts better for sure since the switch to Amsoil. I used to get an occasional false neutral between 4th and 5th but it hasn't happened even once this season since I went too the Amsoil!:thumbsup:

+100 on what BIKE DUDE says---noticed a big difference in my shifting when I switched to amsoil....extended oil change intervals too---
I'm right at 49k on my '06 and I have had NO engine troubles--haven't touched inside:thumbsup:
i'm so anxious to try the amsoil in the busa and see how much smoother it runs/shifts. Right now i'm about 2400 on the clock, do u think it's critical i wait until 3000 or would it be fine changing it at 2400 to full synthetic

2,400 on the clock is fine... I went to Mobil 1 Racing 4T, (full synthetic) at 2,300 on mine and it runs & shifts so much smoother... Just Do It..!!! You will be impressed with the noticeable improvements in performance.. :whistle:
+100 on what BIKE DUDE says---noticed a big difference in my shifting when I switched to amsoil....extended oil change intervals too---
I'm right at 49k on my '06 and I have had NO engine troubles--haven't touched inside:thumbsup:

What kind of extended oil change interval does using Amsoil give you? Thanks.
I use Alisyn Synthetic 10w-30. Dealership warns about changing to synthetic too early...I believe I changed at 400 miles. Change every 1500. Have been happy with it so far. Got about 6500 miles on bike and many of them either drag strip or LSR runs.