Obama is exactly right.

Hitler, Stalin, and Mayo all came into power as a resilt of socialistic beliefs. Socialism is an idealogy whichy demands reduction in net freedom under the guiose of equality. Whenever freedom is reduced in a nation it becomes more vulnerable to tyranny. Obama probably not competent enough to be a despot but may open the door for someone who is.
Don't pay your property taxes on your home you busted your hump for 20 years to own and you get kicked off it. Try to start a business and you have to jump through a thosand hoops, pay all kinds of fees, get all kinds of permits. You will be regulated to death.
Debt is bondage not freedom.

Nope someone needs a history lesson. Hitler came to power based on the devastation of WWI and his own propaganda machine. Stalin came to power as a revolt against the Czarist system and Mayo came to power as a revolt against Mustard. Get it straight.
Nope someone needs a history lesson. Hitler came to power based on the devastation of WWI and his own propaganda machine. Stalin came to power as a revolt against the Czarist system and Mayo came to power as a revolt against Mustard. Get it straight.

Well that's a bit of an oversimplification. After WW1 Germany had become a democratic republic. In march 13 1932 Hitler was voted against by 70%. in presidential election. On June 1 1932 Hindenberg won after a runoff election. Hitler and his National (Socialist) Party did all they could to develop a dictatorial government.
The July 1932 election gained the Socialist Party a major victory they won 230 seats making it Germanys largest political party.
On Jan 30 1933 Hindenberg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany. The Socialists put the commies up to attacking Ther Reichtag. With that Crisis, you know never let a good crisis go to waste as Rhomm Emannuel says, Hitler was able to get complete control.
Mayo came into power mainly as a result of the explosion of fast food chains.
Who's Obama? Ahhh, it doesn't matter. Back to the economy. Let the gov't handle it, they know what's best for YOU!

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Finally somebody with some sense. If it is not enough for the country to have to be in the toilet for a minority to become president then he is put down for not making your aweee all better. I personaly am glad to see the country like this because a lot of azzes are waking up from a long deep sleep of everything is lovely and roses and no worries. Companies lay off people so the executives can get bonus checks. Banks charging outrageous interest rates to certain people and putting people in loans they know are impossible to pay back then put it on the people for dealing with their sorry azzes. Only ones who are afraid of things changing are the ones who have been getting over.LMAO

A life of servitude? WTF? Obama is trying to fix a very evidently broken system that has been in place here for a very long time. If you don't agree with his way of getting us back on course, fine. Our freedoms are not being restrained. If you would like the financial institutions to continue to do business the way they have been, please prepare for more of the same. Same for the auto industry. Once a world leader, it's in shambles and needs a swift kick in the butt. President Obama is delivering that kick. This plan looks very expensive at this time. Obama is one of the few that is looking at this in a 5 to 10 year period. Give it time. You really have no choice, since you are outnumbered :)
A life of servitude? WTF? Obama is trying to fix a very evidently broken system that has been in place here for a very long time. If you don't agree with his way of getting us back on course, fine. Our freedoms are not being restrained. If you would like the financial institutions to continue to do business the way they have been, please prepare for more of the same. Same for the auto industry. Once a world leader, it's in shambles and needs a swift kick in the butt. President Obama is delivering that kick. This plan looks very expensive at this time. Obama is one of the few that is looking at this in a 5 to 10 year period. Give it time. You really have no choice, since you are outnumbered :)

Obama isn't repairing anything. From what I can tell, he is taking advantage of a wounded financial situation in order to gain more government control.

I have never been against any president that has been elected to Office until now. I do not trust that man. He talks a big talk, but in reality, has no answers. He makes promises (like everyone else) and has no idea of how to obtain the goal he has set.

Obama has done nothing more than reinact the same plan used in the Great Depression. That plan did not work then, and will not work now.

Why is Obama saying things will be better in 5 - 10 years? Because that is what the History books have shown in the past. He has no answers. He does have a lot of change planned though. So far that change is leading to more government control.
Thanks for keeping an open and optimistic mind :beerchug:

Why does it NOT scare you that Obama has what is equal to a cult following? I'm all for supporting my Country. Sometimes supporting one's Country means being suspicious of those in power.

I have nothing against you Red. I know I can sound harsh, but I see things very differently. I had major issues with Clinton as well. I definitely have a problem with Hillary.
It doesn't matter who is president, the RICH control the country. Republican, Democrat, Bush, Obama, and Clinton... all puppets with the RICH pulling the strings. It doesn't matter, the RICH will remain in control.

Example, the bailout is for the banks. The bailout didn't help one single homeowner, in fact I think it only made it worse. By bailling out the banks, the banks have absolutely no reason to deal and compromise with homeowners who can make payments if they were allowed to refi. Why make a deal and have mortgage payments continue, when you can force people into foreclosure and then receive BILLIONS from the gov. Lets see... force people to foreclose, sell their properties, THEN get BILLIONS more from the gov. Sounds like smart money.

I say stop saving the banks. Let the market sort itself out. Not only the real estate market but the bank market as well. Both markets are needed and once the excess is weeded out, things will be fine again.

The US auto industry is a different beast though...
A life of servitude? WTF? Obama is trying to fix a very evidently broken system that has been in place here for a very long time. If you don't agree with his way of getting us back on course, fine. Our freedoms are not being restrained.

YET. Socialism is all about limiting personal freedom for the greater good.

Obama wants to reinstitute Clinton's "Assault Weapon Ban". Because as the Liberals in Canada seem to think: "If you severely restrict the use of guns by law abiding citizens, criminals will be less likely to use them in violent crime".
Obama has already indicated that he wants to restrain your 2nd Amendment Rights.

Obama's Universal Health Care? Here is how that works in Socialist Canada.
The Government has banned people from smoking in all public places and in your own car if children are present. The Government (tax payers) pays for healthcare so they can tell you what you can and cannot do in the guise of keeping healthcare costs as low as possible. ex - everyone must wear motorcycle helmets, all children under 16yrs must wear bicycle helmets, all vehicle passengers (front and rear) must wear seatbelts, the Feds are threatening to ban transfats, etc...
Our healthcare system is a complete train wreck because no one can waste money better than Government Bureaucracy. If you need a knee or hip replacement you could end up waiting for several months. Here's the kicker! If you want a procedure right away, you have to leave the country to get it done. That is because the socialists believe it is not fair to poor people that the middle class can afford immediate help while lower income Canadians cannot. It is the God's honest truth that the Canadian Government would rather have you die on a waiting list than let you save your own life by paying for a life saving procedure within the country - that is illegal. Does that sound like freedom?

Finally how about redistribution of wealth? That is a clear assault on freedom.
You work hard, make all the right choices and get taxed (Obama wants to raise taxes on those who work the hardest) to pay for people who have mortgages they could never afford. Your hard work and effort end up being in vain as the fruits of your labor are taken by Obama and given to those who did not work hard for it.
YET. Socialism is all about limiting personal freedom for the greater good.

Obama wants to reinstitute Clinton's "Assault Weapon Ban". Because as the Liberals in Canada seem to think: "If you severely restrict the use of guns by law abiding citizens, criminals will be less likely to use them in violent crime". Not true in fact there are more gun percapita in Canada than in the USObama has already indicated that he wants to restrain your 2nd Amendment Rights.

Obama's Universal Health Care? Here is how that works in Socialist Canada.
The Government has banned people from smoking in all public places and in your own car if children are present. This a good thing, those of us that choose not to be addicts should not have to deal with the smoke, it is unhealthy and why should I have to pay higher insurance premiums because you choose to smoke? The Government (tax payers) pays for healthcare so they can tell you what you can and cannot do in the guise of keeping healthcare costs as low as possible. ex - everyone must wear motorcycle helmets, all children under 16yrs must wear bicycle helmets, all vehicle passengers (front and rear) must wear seatbelts, the Feds are threatening to ban transfats, etc... Are you seriously arguing against these things? Our healthcare system is a complete train wreck because no one can waste money better than Government Bureaucracy. If you need a knee or hip replacement you could end up waiting for several months. Here's the kicker! If you want a procedure right away, you have to leave the country to get it done. That is because the socialists believe it is not fair to poor people that the middle class can afford immediate help while lower income Canadians cannot. It is the God's honest truth that the Canadian Government would rather have you die on a waiting list than let you save your own life by paying for a life saving procedure within the country - that is illegal. Does that sound like freedom? <- It sounds like bull.

Finally how about redistribution of wealth? That is a clear assault on freedom.
You work hard, make all the right choices and get taxed (Obama wants to raise taxes on those who work the hardest) to pay for people who have mortgages they could never afford. Your hard work and effort end up being in vain as the fruits of your labor are taken by Obama and given to those who did not work hard for it. Really? Who exactly are you talking about that don't work hard for it. Remember the taxes are going back to where they were under Reagan.

Wow, where to begin. First put down the talk radio script. Second see above in red.
"Not true in fact there are more gun per capita in Canada than in the US"
That is really a fact? Let's see:
Learning Resources &ndash; Canada's population clock
33,573,488 people in Canada
Canadian Firearms Program Performance Information - December 2008
7,313,247 firearms in Canada

That's about 1 gun for every 4.6 Canadians.

On the other hand. The USA has about 304,000,000 people and approximately 215-258 million guns: NRA-ILA :: Guns, Gun Ownership, & RTC at All-Time Highs, Less "Gun Control," and Violent Crime at 30-Year Low

That would be 1 gun for ever 1.4-1.2 Americans.

In Fact there are considerably more guns per capita in the USA. Your facts "sound like bull".

As for some of the things I mentioned that are banned in Canada "for our own good". I am a non-smoking vegetarian so I am not affected by most of the examples I mentioned. I am a dog owner and the fact that the Province of Ontario has completely banned all dogs identified as pitbulls kind of concerns me. Of course the Liberal Governent here did it for the "greater good" so I am sure that's fine for you.

Finally our healthcare system is in shambles (Michael Moore is a liar). Typical wait time in an Emergency Room in Ontario is between 4-8 hours. In Ontario there are about 11.5 million people and at last count 1.1 million cannot find a family doctor - not for any amount of money in the world. Which would be illegal here anyways because we are not allowed to buy health care outside of the public (socialist) system.