Oct 10th 3rd Annual Caps Meet n Greet

What are sleeping arrangements? If I can make it should I bring my RV?

there is plenty room to set it up if you bring it but we had plenty room when i was there a couple years ago :beerchug: Cap will probably get to this soon, he has been a little busy with the raffle and bike-shirts lately
I know there have been tons of things going on the past few weeks, but I was wondering if there's been any updates on what rides we'll be doing? Nothing urgent - just wanted to check.
I ran into GSXIte yesterday and he was telling me about this shindig. The wife & I are thinkin about coming down and meeting everyone and do some riding with you. I havent been on the org for awhile due to a very busy schedule with racing & business but I am back and looking foreward to hanging out. :beerchug:
Let me know what kind of riding we will be doing so I know which bikes to bring,The ones that turn corners or the ones that go straight :)
im in. i dont have an excuse to not be there since i live in okc. neways, i need to meet some of you guys and ride with you instead of always chattin on the computer.
OK folks... We know that folks will start coming in all day Friday, we have some early morning folks and some that won't get here until late in the evening. We are setting up the routes now, On Friday we will do a short ride just to stretch our legs, while we are out there will be folks at the house and more coming in. I have had a few request that we go back to Mt Scott for the Sat ride so we will make that ride a little shorter than last years friday ride (We did about 300 miles last year on Friday). We might even do another night run like last year, just an hour or two to get you out where you can see all the stars you want, then back to the house.

As far as sleeping arrangements we have done it all I think... We have plenty of room for trailers, electric and water (no sewer dumping here). I think Hal had enough snoring from the year before so if memory serves me correct he slept in his trailer last year.

We have folks on the couches, air mattresses on the floor, we had them in sleeping bags next to the beds..... There are several hotels about 8 miles away straight down the highway that you can use if you don't think the floor looks good. I can't promise you comfort but I can assure you that we will keep you dry and warm for the weekend.

For the menu you ask?

On Friday we will have a couple of HUGE pots of stew ready at noon, as people come in they are welcome to just grab a bowl along with some cornbread and jump into the conversation. If you want something different then there is a few fast food places just a couple miles away you can get. We keep the stew on the stove all day and typically most of the guys eat that for lunch and supper, again if you dont like the menu Mconalds is a few miles away..

Many of the folks that come in on Friday will go out for the ride, many that just drove in cars will stay behind, it makes for almost two gatherings Friday afternoon. When we get back from Fridays afternoon ride we will visit for several hours then when it gets dark go for the star ride...

friday night we bed down people anywhere we can, if you drive up bring a sleeping bag or your favorite blanky and pillow. If you have a tent you might want to bring it.....

Sat morning we will get up and ride to IHOP over in Norman about 8 miles away and then those that rode can go on the group ride and those that came in a car, well were still trying to find something for you to do other than sit at the house (mabe you want to do that).... Sat afternoon when the ride group gets back we will start on the grill, chicken, steaks and sausages with some side for supper, this is when we all sit around the fire and laugh until we cry or pee (We have had situations where both occured at the same time.... I think it was the parsley joke!)

We stay up late, laugh, laugh, take pics, post on the org, laugh and then go to bed...

I will post up some details on hotels for those that want to have a guranteed bed. Sun morning we have breakfast, cereal, sausage and biscuits and gravy, then folks start heading out.... Most are gone by noon to make the trip home...

No one should feel that they can't come, I will find a place for you to sleep and there is only a couple of meals (Breakfast on Sat and lunch for those on the ride) that you will need to pay for, I have the rest covered.

Please start a single post and start listing out who is coming, what day and if you need a place to sleep.
I'm coming in Thursday afternoon. Steve is retrieving me at the airport and I have arranged accommodations at Casa de Esteban ;). I leave on Monday afternoon to return to San Diego.

Can't wait!

BlueHaya, Mrs BlueHaya
VannWray, Mrs VannWray

We will be rolling in around 2-3 Friday afternoon. (will we catch the afternoon ride?)

We will probably get a room in town. We will prolly stay at the Inn we stayed at the 1st year. It is close and works for me. If not we will stay in the city.

leave out Sunday am
BlueHaya, Mrs BlueHaya
VannWray, Mrs VannWray

We will be rolling in around 2-3 Friday afternoon. (will we catch the afternoon ride?)

We will probably get a room in town. We will prolly stay at the Inn we stayed at the 1st year. It is close and works for me. If not we will stay in the city.

leave out Sunday am

Rod I'm sure that we can accomodate, we will only be going on about a 2 hour ride... so that would put us back about supper time..

The roach motel is just up the street but about 5 miles farther is the nice places, all highway.
:laugh:[QUOTEHrmmm - We need a "kidnap VaBusa for Cap's MnG" thread. :laugh:[/QUOTE]

We can kidnap her and drive her down in her pretty pink car from Wal-Mart :laugh:

I will be in early Friday afternoon and Juli will follow in her car later that night. I would like to catch a bed at your place Cap, we can do the motel down the road if it would help make room.I miss the stew, yummy in my tummy!
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We will be up some time on Friday and will know more as soon as her doc schedules her next set of tests. I'll post up more as we figure it out.
Aiming to be there Thursday night, leaving Sunday afternoon. Would like to stay at your place again, Doug.
I will be in early Friday afternoon and Juli will follow in her car later that night. I would like to catch a bed at your place Cap, we can do the motel down the road if it would help make room.I miss the stew, yummy in my tummy!
Posted via Mobile Device

Note to self...get there before James to get some stew :laugh:
I will be rolling in Thursday afternoon and will be staying in my RV.
We will be up some time on Friday and will know more as soon as her doc schedules her next set of tests. I'll post up more as we figure it out.

Still debating about whether to ride up, take my car or trailer the bikes....kinda depends on outside factors, I guess.