Oct 10th 3rd Annual Caps Meet n Greet

FYI, I just booked a room at the Newcastle Motel, plenty of rooms left. If you want a room in Norman, book NOW! Baylor is playing OU in Norman this weekend and no special rates apply for most places. The last place I checked was 179.00 per night! Newcastle Motel- easy access to OU
i'll be coming in on Friday with twotonevert and heading out on Sunday...all i need is a piece of floor and a pillow please (oh yeah, and a bowl of stew) :beerchug:
Who Arriving Sleeping Departing
RacerV Thurs afternoon In trailer at caps house Sunday afternoon
Twotonevert x2 Friday Afternoon Newcastle Motel Sunday afternoon
Semi Friday Afternoon Caps House Sunday
BlueHaya x2 Friday Afternoon Newcastle Motel Sunday
Vannwray x2 Friday 2-3 Newcaslte Motel Sunday
Omslaw Thurs evening Caps House Sunday
Scar Thurs evening Caps front yard Monday
Pinky Winky Friday 7ish Caps house Sun
thapp Friday ?? Caps House Sun
DEMMYM Sat afternoon Caps House Sun
HRHDI & Dan Friday Afternoon Newcastle Motel Sun

Locals that should be here:

Uncle Steve
Hey capt. put me down for the the bathtub on sleeping arrangments. It one of the only doors with a lock. I dont want to end up with Rodney above me again. Just sayin.
Macon454 +1 staying at Newcastle on the 9th and 10th:beerchug: