Ok, I give up...


Call me Daddy...
Donating Member
If anyone is interested in anything to do with the 10 just hit me up privately. I ain't postin' poop else about it here. I'm just fuggin' tired of the little cheap jabs and smart ass comments that inevitably get posted to all my threads here havin' anything to do with the 10... Evidently there are some newbies and even a few oldies who are insecure enough about the busa that they feel the need to defend it even when it's not under attack. I know they are the minority and that most of the membership here are grown up enough to carry on a conversation about things without takin' it all personal and gettin' defensive. Thing is this... the ignorance of a few is just drainin' the fun out of this site for me. I'm talkin' about those who can't make themselves just skip over my posts. Those who just keep throwin' little cheap sucker punches and smart ass remarks in every thread I start lately.

So, no more 10 pics, no more 10 stories, no more 10 feedback on the board. Fug it... I don't have the time or inclination to deal with the immature posters who feel the need to make a smart ass comment every time I post a thread about my bike, or every time I point out somethin' that's not so fuggin' perfect about the busa. I have no need for anyone's approval of my choice in bikes but at the same time I listen to enough dumb poop at work everyday. I am not gonna come here and listen to more.

From the beginning this board was a place for me to come and have fun with friends. I'll continue to do that, but to avoid havin' a few insecure folks ruin it completely for me I will refrain from discussin' any bike other than the busa here. I'll also refrain from bein' honest about any shortcomings the busa might have. I don't want to wad the panties of those who don't know the difference between a conversation and a bike bashin'.

Again, those of you who want to know anything about the 10 and/or my experience with it... hit me up privately. Avatar is changed and banner is gone... No more 10 stuff on this board.

Fug it... The whiners and smart asses win... I'm done with the dumb shid... I'll be over at the 10R forum if anyone needs me...

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that's a shame, because the 10 is on my short list for my next addition to the garage.....Chris....90 percent of these guys will fade away in the next 2 months anyway...it seems the regular posters number right around 25 or 30. Hell, I've only been around for a year, and I feel like an old timer. Riders ride, talkers talk, whiners whine......not gonna ever change. Keep posting your opinions here.....this place has always been one to let everyone talk as long as they were civil and polite.....if we start chasing off everyone who doesn't ride a Busa, the member list ain't gonna grow very fast.

Now.....classic Kawi green or burnt orange....THAT is the question I have.....
Hey man calm down most of the smart remarks are just pokin fun nutin serious, well at least from my end. Were all freinds here...well that's the way i see it. If you cant joke with your friends who can you joke with. Anyway its nice to get an unbiased oppnion about the other insanely fast machines out there. so take anything i say with a grain of salt and keep the stories comin man and if some people dont like lookin at them then they shouldnt read them. Yeah man when i joke its all love
If anyone is interested in anything to do with the 10 just hit me up privately. I ain't postin' poop else about it here. I'm just fuggin' tired of the little cheap jabs and smart ass comments that inevitably get posted to all my threads here havin' anything to do with the 10... Evidently there are some newbies and even a few oldies who are insecure enough about the busa that they feel the need to defend it even when it's not under attack. I know they are the minority and that most of the membership here are grown up enough to carry on a conversation about things without takin' it all personal and gettin' defensive. Thing is this... the ignorance of a few is just drainin' the fun out of this site for me. I'm talkin' about those who can't make themselves just skip over my posts. Those who just keep throwin' little cheap sucker punches and smart ass remarks in every thread I start lately.

So, no more 10 pics, no more 10 stories, no more 10 feedback on the board. Fug it... I don't have the time or inclination to deal with the immature posters who feel the need to make a smart ass comment every time I post a thread about my bike, or every time I point out somethin' that's not so fuggin' perfect about the busa. I have no need for anyone's approval of my choice in bikes but at the same time I listen to enough dumb poop at work everyday. I am not gonna come here and listen to more.

From the beginning this board was a place for me to come and have fun with friends. I'll continue to do that, but to avoid havin' a few insecure folks ruin it completely for me I will refrain from discussin' any bike other than the busa here. I'll also refrain from bein' honest about any shortcomings the busa might have. I don't want to wad the panties of those who don't know the difference between a conversation and a bike bashin'.

Again, those of you who want to know anything about the 10 and/or my experience with it... hit me up privately. Avatar is changed and banner is gone... No more 10 stuff on this board.

Fug it... The whiners and smart asses win... I'm done with the dumb shid... I'll be over at the 10R forum if anyone needs me...
Is this another one of those "guess which one is Rev's mom" gags?
Lighten-Up Francis ;)

** stripes reference **

If I am not mistaken... aren't you from Tampa?
If so, come join us for a ride this Sunday.

Normal time & place...
SR54 & Collier at 9am
fug the flamers B.T. your busa through and through, don't matter what your rididn to-day... hang with us bro.. your a biker and he he few will admit .....but a friend.... i'd be honered to ride with ya
BT....here is my .02 FWIW....

fug the flamers and haters....
The comments I've made were just
fun and joking, like being a kawi marketing guru. I get lots of info out of your comparisons about the two bikes. Who cares what anyone else thinks, they don't have to read your posts if they don't want to. Not that anyone is voting but I vote that you keep the info coming. It might not always be all busa related but there are dozens of posts everyday that are not busa related. So keep them posts coming..... Hey you got me sold...hopefully this time next year I'll be adding a 10 to my garage....oh and dayum the banner in your sig was sick....get we get it back....
Who's been giving you more than the normal ration??? I thought it was my job to ride your ass... WTF?

Ignore em'...
OH BTW, You got a link to the 10 Board? Linky linky...
Keep the stories coming. The busa is top in stock form but as we all know there are extremely few bikes that stay stock for more than a couple of months. Some insight and true comparisons should be enough to keep everyone remembering this. Personally I don't give a damn what you ride as long as it is a sportbike. As for people being insecure, last I checked you were not so why worry about it. Children never stay around here long and friends always give each other shid. You know that as well as the rest of us. Put your banner and avatar back up and be true to yourself.
BT, don't stop what your doing because I myself like hearing about your 10 as much as I did your Hayabusa. Its not just about the bikes it's about all of us that like to ride on two wheels no matter what two wheels it is. So hang in there and keep it coming.
Hey BT you know we like your bike and hearing your stories. Keep them coming.

hey BT if your knees are in the breeze who cares what you ride keep posting da Demon some of us here still want to see it and hear about it hell children will be children dont sweat them
ps if they dont like it then they can go somewhere else but this is your home
Uh... sir... please put the gun down and back away from tha 10r.. lol!! Well Chris, I'll tell ya wut bro if you don't want to post up pics of the 10r, I'll just have to. The reason I joined H.Org was because it was informative and everyone on two wheels was welcome. I learned alot in the past year and if people have a problem with your bike than like you said fug'em.

I didn't buy the Busa because it was a Suzuki or because everyone had one. I bought it because it was fit for my purpose. If you feel the 10r is tha bike for you, then ride on ex-Busa bro
I don't blame you it's a hot bike and will probably be my next addiction.. uh.. I mean my next addition to my Busa. "The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers". ~ (Beavis and Butthead 1997).
