On my way over to the convention center to welcome the 47th POTUS

Wait a minute....just hold on!!! Dad gummit!

She SPENT $1.2 BILLION dollars with a B
Wound up over $20 MILLION in debt and LOST
And there were people who A: rag on Trump for his business runnings? And B: were gonna put her in charge of our business, the USA? How TF does that make any sense?

FORGET all else. According to Forbes he's still worth almost $6 Billion. Doing something right. Name all over. Ok fine.
She's never run anything and first opportunity she has to 'run something' she squanders $1.2 Billie and winds up in debt?
And half the country fell for that.


This will make you feel a little better. Now some other Dems that were responsible for donor accounting are starting to say this will be closer to $2B.

I guess there is a process of reporting proceed tracking after elections. And some of the reps are coming forward with numbers. I suspect they are wanting to get off this ride by being as truthful as quickly as possible.

So this could become twice as good.