Job rezumay for Mista B
My name be OLD GUY
I dun be a prowed gradgeeit of the CNN Eunevercity of Gender Studees & Inturpritiv Dancin with a 2.25 GPA
They dun been tawt me how to be findin cults.
They dun been tawt me how to shake my finger, looks them inda eye and deecry I not be grabben no wymen by them coochie holes and be havin no fuuukin.
They dun been tawt me how to reed stock charts. That course be hard!
They dun been tawt me how to dun bee better at my resurchin, comprenshin and anallickenel skills.
They dun be tawt me how to ad mire menz and the size of dem body parts.
Ize dun be proud to be gradeated 47th in my class of 50. My cuzin dun be 49. He always say he be better than me. But I showz him.
It be my most proudest day when Mr Don Lemon presendeted me my Dploma and an opurtunaty to help tawt them lesser fortanut to be spreadin my lurnins to them.
Alredy we dun beat Medicur, hiyerd a gurl dat used to be a man, to show me hows to better healthee in keepin my man mind thinkin rite. I dun be helped De onerbl Mamaw Harris be dun spend 1.2 ummm lots of zeros in stamping out Dat bad Orange man. I duz not likez doze mean menz that duz not like her. I does think yore Mr Truedoe be my most friendly kind if we culd evez meat.
Ize dun be able to sweep, clean, fetch, and done be willin to learn more better about taking care of dem man parts. I dun also be like wurkin around other menfolk. Particularly when they be sweaty and stuff.
I dun be studying on yore profile and dun be cing how youz rite and stuff an dun feel like I be dun be better if I was dun be happy with a retaard Knadian Armyman. You dun be seem like yuoz b reel centsctiv and kind and stuff. Cuz I dun be scared of stayin in no Merica no more. Orange man be bad. Him be a Knotc and a coochie hole grabber.
I also dunz be sorry I dun tried to make you a raysist. I dun be better at trying to not sayun that no mo. I dun knowz I be liken centsctiv men moor better.
Plz Mr Kanadian burly Army man, let me helpz you.
Um P.S. How big um yo man parts be? Cuz I got to no.