Opinions on Ferguson MO

Are you one of Reagan's monkeys?

Reagan & the monkey.png
This is off-topic but is that a black/blue 02 in your avatar? Got any more pics of it? That's my absolute favorite color scheme. Mine was originally that color as well.
There are a few in my garage if you can access it. It was definitely the best scheme of the gen I. I that about getting the black/blue gen II but it didn't look as good.
IG I love you man but you have some very pessimistic views of things. The outcome could be Police forces that look like the citizens they police, which might just be what was needed to get control of those areas. The cops we have now do a good job in a tough situation but it's not rocket science. Trust me there are people who will do it and if departments step up to the changes it can be done to the betterment of the department.

I love you back! :kiss: Not saying that's what's going to happen, but I immediately see the potential long term ripple effect, and wanted to point it out.
Fair nuf, can't argue with that. That said, Darren Wilson WAS one of the good cops and all of the racists who ran him out of town will never realize it, but they surely won't be better off without him.

This is off-topic but is that a black/blue 02 in your avatar? Got any more pics of it? That's my absolute favorite color scheme. Mine was originally that color as well.

Well the 02 black/blue is not only the best looking color but the fastest too!
Poppy with all the fighting words going on in this thread you drop in and play that other color card - well played Sir! :thumbsup:

I spent all day Saturday watching the show "Cops" and I must say that I better appreciate the delima cops find themselves in. Obviously they only show the cops at their best but the amount of patience the cops show is remarkable. So I'm going to walk my critism of the police back a bit. I still think there is a problem when you look at the statistics on who gets arrested, shot, convicted, etc. That shows that there is a disparity based on race. But to ask a cop out there on the street to make those kind of decisions when he/she is running through a dark neighborhood at night chasing a possibly armed suspect is just asking too much.
Wow! We experienced much the same stuff when my Father retired from the Air Force here in Chesapeake, Va. We wanted to buy a house in a development called Georgetown that was about 99% white. In fact the only other black family there was my Aunt & Uncle. They would not loan the money to us for the house but My father had been depositing money each month to his bank in Waverly, Va. and they loaned him the $50,000 to buy the house. Within 10 years the neighborhood was about 50% black and now is all black. Funny thing is it's a really great, clean neighborhood to this day.

When we went to buy a house in Virginia Beach we were the second blacks in the neighborhood. We asked our realtor to show us the house in that neighborhood and she always had an excuse. So we went to the sales office and they showed us the house. During the loan process we were putting down 20% (the normal was 10%). with a week to go until closing we got a letter from the bank saying they were going to require 30% down. We were going to walk away, but our realtor (a new one) said they could make it happen with 20% down. When we were reviewing the loan papers, they had changed the race to caucasian from african american. I could not believe that, this was just 20 years ago!
These officers showed an incredible amount of restraint. That guy yelling FU with his camera phone trained on the officer, DARING him to do something....In most EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, the police would not have tolerated that crap. But taunting the officer to get him in trouble...that's asking for a taser 'experience'....that little punk disgusts me. I'd really love to say, "excuse me officer" and punch that little self-absorbed twit in the face....

This is simply an ***** comment.

No one cares what would have happened in any other country because in any other country there would be thousands of dead cops laying around too, your argument is fickle at best.

You're trained to handle situations with tact, no over react to a "little punk". These people are paid by us to protect us, they work for us, period. If this keeps up the people need to start getting more involved in having a say on these cops keeping their jobs. That will change their opinions fast.

They know they are above the law and are prosecuted by their peers plus put on paid leave. They react the way they do because there are little to no consequence. Make them stick to the rules and see how much changes. Its their damn job to keep cool so I don't want to hear anyone saying any stupid sht about cops being in dangerous situations. No different than military. You chose the job then you need to suck it up and take the good with the bad because you definitely don't see them complaining about the perks.
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This is simply an ***** comment.

No one cares what would have happened in any other country because in any other country there would be thousands of dead cops laying around too, your argument is fickle at best.

You're trained to handle situations with tact, no over react to a "little punk". These people are paid by us to protect us, they work for us, period. If this keeps up the people need to start getting more involved in having a say on these cops keeping their jobs. That will change their opinions fast.

They know they are above the law and are prosecuted by their peers plus put on paid leave. They react the way they do because there are little to no consequence. Make them stick to the rules and see how much changes. Its their damn job to keep cool so I don't want to hear anyone saying any stupid sht about cops being in dangerous situations. No different than military. You chose the job then you need to suck it up and take the good with the bad because you definitely don't see them complaining about the perks.


???:glare:... I honestly can't take anything you say seriously..

Maybe you should have read a few more posts down, where I clearly made a correction that the hold depicted in the pic IS considered by many a choke hold, as this hold was taken when the other one with his arm under the suspects arm didn't bring the man down...maybe you should read better....

And, like I said, that's exactly WHY I couldn't be a cop. I ask you the same question, if someone was doing that in YOUR face, could YOU maintain the same self-control? Day after day, leaving home not knowing if you'll come back? They KNOW they are not above the law - if they did, do you think they would have sat there and took it? Their actions PROVE they know they aren't above the law. But it appears that the pissant coward taunting them ALSO knows they can't do it....your comment is inaccurate...

Did you read, buy chance, that the man's family does NOT believe this was race-motivated? If this were a big white guy, the same thing that happened would not receive one bit of press coverage. Which is the point I'm making. It seems that there is this huge chip on some peoples shoulders, forever perpetuated by Al/Jesse/NAACP that views EVERYTHING thru race-colored lenses, waiting and hoping for someone to knock the chip off, or even DARE mention it. The point you continually miss is that this has been made in to a huge story by race-baiters who are using it for their own purpose, and those out burning their own stuff down are the pawns. Are their injustices committed? Sure, but the white people beat/killed by black people doesn't have the white community burning their neighborhoods down (and if the do, I'll condemn it IDENTICALLY). Sure, protest all they want, chant all they want, talk and discuss and try to get people to understand them - but their message is totally LOST when the rioting starts. It's setting relations BACKWARDS.

Eventually, there WILL be an instance where it's CLEAR that the officer/s use excessive force or make a huge mistake. When that happens, these race-baiters will have event they are looking and hoping for. That's when it may get nasty. Having said that, when I see it being a mistake, I'll say it was a mistake as RACE IS NOT THE ISSUE WITH ME, and it SHOULD NOT BE WITH ANYONE.

The really SAD thing is, that the people who rioted and looted didn't help themselves OR their stated 'cause'; in fact they only cause FURTHER mistrust.
I think you're wrong on this Skydiver. It's already proven statistically that there is a disparity on how minorities are handled by cops statistically. Whether this is the cop's fault or not is a case by case debate. You think people are waiting for cases like MB but in reality these feelings by the minority community are boiling because of everyday experience a cases like this cause them to boil over. I have met and talked to both Jesse and Al Sharpton. I even went to dinner with Al after an event and he is a fascinating guy and very thoughtful. Both these guys are big on Blacks taking responsibility for themselves, but would never say this within ear shot of whites because they will take it as the situation of many minorities is their own fault.
I think you're wrong on this Skydiver. It's already proven statistically that there is a disparity on how minorities are handled by cops statistically. Whether this is the cop's fault or not is a case by case debate. You think people are waiting for cases like MB but in reality these feelings by the minority community are boiling because of everyday experience a cases like this cause them to boil over. I have met and talked to both Jesse and Al Sharpton. I even went to dinner with Al after an event and he is a fascinating guy and very thoughtful. Both these guys are big on Blacks taking responsibility for themselves, but would never say this within ear shot of whites because they will take it as the situation of many minorities is their own fault.

Arch, I appreciate your thoughtful debate, and I hold no ill will towards you personally. And your opinion holds merit. But I gotta tell you, it seems like the press is egging it on, like they are looking for another opportunity to create controversy. As example, one weekend after Michael Brown, another off-duty St. Louis officer shot and killed a young black man over near Forrest Park, remember? The press initially went nuts, and everyone started squalling, UNTIL it came out that the man shot had a gun and shot at the officer, who returned fire and killed him...and it dropped off the face of the earth. My point being is that it didn't fit the narrative that some people are trying to promote. It's like the press is looking for creating the perfect storm...Last week it was a drug dealer in Phoenix - that too dropped off fast.

While I have zero respect for Al Sharpton, I have no doubt of his intelligence and street smarts. He's managed to remain in the public eye as the self-proclaimed 'leader' for a long time. However, I disagree - I actually think if he'd publicly talk about personal responsibility in both the white and black communities, I'd actually think MORE of him rather than less - but I think the black community might label him a traitor or "uncle tom" like Rep. Tim Scott, LTC Alan West, Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and some other notable conservative black leaders have been.

The initial entire reason for the rioting WAS supposedly on a 'case by case' basis....If you are now telling me the real reason for the rioting is a release of built-up minority tension looking for an excuse to burn stuff down, THAT I can understand. And it would seem to be supported by the protests going on elsewhere. But to riot because this white officer in performance of his duty shot Michael Brown for any other reason than the man was fighting him...is not understandable. Have a good day sir.

P.S. I thought it took a big man to modify your stance regarding the police under the stress of the situation.
Well sky you are right about the press. They don't make any situation better as they benefit from all of us fighting. Al is seen as a leader to the black community and most of the time he is called to help rather than him just going for a camera. He can shine the light on situations where minorities get ignored by the system. Sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth too - I agree with you on that. But he is a useful guy for the minority community.

PS: Thanks. I truly approach these debates to try and find the right conclusion. Sometimes that means I need to open my mind to another's position. I was doing some work on the computer and Cops came on and this guy was running through this neighborhood at night and when the suspect flashed in front of the camera I was thinking shoot him! There's two sides to every story and usually both are a little right and a little wrong.
PS: Thanks. I truly approach these debates to try and find the right conclusion. Sometimes that means I need to open my mind to another's position. I was doing some work on the computer and Cops came on and this guy was running through this neighborhood at night and when the suspect flashed in front of the camera I was thinking shoot him! There's two sides to every story and usually both are a little right and a little wrong.

I'm proud of you Arch! I wish everyone had this attitude. :thumbsup: