what are u not understanding about the use of deadly force? u sound like a broken record!
wen a suspect reaches for ur weapon and assaults u in the process it becomes a DEADLY force situation. it is NOT a less lethal situation where a cop would use a Taser. if he has shot him its a DEADLY force situation and it will be a DEADLY force situation until the guy either complies OR is shot dead. this criminal decided the latter. there is no ull have ur day in court when ur trying to disarm a cop and take his weapon. doesn't work like that sorry.... And if he had shot and killed him at this point, I would not have an issue with it.
you don't shoot someone then reach for ur Taser. a Taser is a NON DEADLY force situation. if he has shot him and exits his vehicle and follows him for a distance and he decides to turn and charge the officer he did not comply and will be shot again because he has already demonstrated the fact that he wants ur weapon. But if he has realizd he's efed up and decides to run away, why does this scenario have to end in death?
the suspect is 300 lbs and strong as you have just experienced in the car wen he was goin for ur weapon. if a suspect wants ur weapon what do u think he's gonna do with it wen he gets it? run off with it? yea ok..... u really need to start exercising some common sense. what are you talking about here?
the trooper story is old news. was the trooper wrong? yep. but if u watch the video u will see it cud have gone either way. sure he was trying to get his wallet but he cud have just as easily been reaching for a gun and if he had been reaching for a gun then you wudnt be sayn chit about this wud you?
u don't think suspects can and have reached for guns and shot cops in that manner? think again. yes the trooper was wrong and over reacted. he shud hav gone for cover first behind his vehicle if he was fearful he had a weapon but chit happens in a flash and sometimes mistakes are made.
you seem to be under the impression the cops are not human and don't make mistakes. cops base their actions on what their experiences are and what information they hear over the radio day in and day out. no that doesn't mean a cop shud paint a picture that a black man is more dangerous to him then anyone else cause anyone can hurt you. My point in all this is that cops do make mistakes and when they make mistakes, they too need to be held accountable. And the farse thatis usually to decide if charges are even brought forward is rediculous.
law of averages. the cops have more negative encounters with black communities then any other.....
Are blacks to blame for cops' actions? - Chicago Tribune
"Black-on-black crime" is the reason for the heavy police presence in the black community," he asserted on NBC's "Meet the Press." "So why don't (they) cut it down so so many white police officers don't have to be in black areas?"
In this view, African-Americans have only themselves to blame for the presence and behavior of cops in their neighborhoods. If they would get serious about cleaning up the problems in their own communities, police would not be arresting or killing so many black people.
There's an element of truth to this line of argument. Violent crime rates are far higher among blacks than among whites and other groups. One reason cops have a disproportionate number of interactions with African-American males is that these men commit a disproportionate number of offenses."