Exactly Cap....
Stories about Black Cop shooting white kid, justified or not - no news
Stories about Black Cop shoot black kid, justified or not - no news
Stories about White Cop shooting white kid, justified or not - no news
Stories about Black kids shooting other black kids - no news (and THIS is the REAL tragedy)...
Stories about White Cop shooting black kid - justified or not - "burn the boich down!"
IF this were about a White or Black Cop, shooting a white gangbanger who just robbed a convenience store, fought the officer in his car, charged him after multiple commands.....I'd BACK THE OFFICER - Because what Arch fails to recognize is that I give a crap about the color/race of either - I care about what the OFFICER did, and what the ACCUSED/WOUNDED/DEAD PERSON did...
This may surprise you Arch, but I have the same level of contempt for cheap white trash....
For you LEO's on the the .org - It takes a special person do to what you do - I couldn't do it I don't have your patience. You strap your badge, gun and body armor on every morning, saying goodbye to your family with everyone knowing you might not ever come back home, and still go out into the world to do your job. You have my respect.