Do you have his parents information? I sold him the wheels on the bike and should have their home address, no parent likes to hear from their kids debtors..
mr daniel, whats been going on! been getting any riding in?
Do you have his parents information? I sold him the wheels on the bike and should have their home address, no parent likes to hear from their kids debtors..
Good sediments, but like you said, you never met him. Macon has him pegged perfectly.
mr daniel, whats been going on! been getting any riding in?
Let's hope he comes back here one day and cleans up the mess.
NEWS FLASH, I just got a call from my Brother who lives here in Raleigh, Guess who he bumped into at the tattoo shop, YEP YOU GUESSED IT BRIAN. I was like HOLY SH*T, Well my brother did not know about this Thread. So I guess he can afford and Tat. and my bro said that Brian was travelling around and just got back a week or so ago from CA. So Im hope he calls me. I'll make sure to I tell him and this Thead and the money that he OWES to the few us us...
I am just a nice little ride from Raleigh.... Just Sayin'
That's around 300 miles from me. I can do that on a Sunday morning.....Just sayin'.
Looks like a meeting in Raleigh it is
good luck to the individual seeking justice, hope it works out in the long run...
ps: post #152 - beth's butt is much bigger than that. that is an altered photo.
NEWS FLASH, I just got a call from my Brother who lives here in Raleigh, Guess who he bumped into at the tattoo shop, YEP YOU GUESSED IT BRIAN. I was like HOLY SH*T, Well my brother did not know about this Thread. So I guess he can afford and Tat. and my bro said that Brian was travelling around and just got back a week or so ago from CA. So Im hope he calls me. I'll make sure to I tell him and this Thead and the money that he OWES to the few us us...
So Im hope he calls me. I'll make sure to I tell him and this Thead and the money that he OWES to the few us us...
I thought I saw him today in a grocery store. I started heading for him with a full head of steam, fists clenched wasn't him