Pacific Northwest

Get well all you who have the crud!!!! We've had it and I'm glad it is over.
Looking forward to some warmer weather.
Last two mornings, it's been 9 degrees Fahrenheit at the top of the hill in West Richland when I rolled the K8 out of the garage at 5:30. It's up to a steamy 14 degrees by the time I get to work at Hanford.

Might puss out and take the FJR to work tomorrow. At least it has a barn door-sized windscreen to hide behind.
You are more brave than me!!
Maybe, but apparently not smarter....

Took the K8 into work anyway. I had too many boxes and garage crap stashed around the FJR.

6 degrees this morning. That's pretty cold when standing still. At 50 mph, it's downright gnarley.

Shyeah.... I'll be removing boxes and freeing up the FJR this afternoon....  
Hey northwesterners!.. just sayin howdy, I'm new here, so just getting the feel for things. Can't wait for spring!.. time to put some miles on the new 'busa..
Dude I was just posting in your crazy thread. Someone else is in lacey I was talking to a minute ago . Paulsons must be kicking them out the door .
yea... been a bit of a run on 'em.. sold 3 or 4 this week ... don't really have to "sell" a busa though.. getting them financed and keeping them alive till they're used to the power,that's the challenge
Wow thats a lot of busas out the door ! Is Teresa's bike still there ? I haven't been by there in a few months , I should stop by soon .
Wow thats a lot of busas out the door ! Is Teresa's bike still there ? I haven't been by there in a few months , I should stop  by soon . sold pretty quickly. The guy that bought it brought it back and decided he wanted a brand new one. I don't know if it sold a second time yet.
Thats like the 3rd page thats been turned by someone other than BA !! He must be slipping!