Pacific Northwest

Two in a row!!!!
Hey Rich! Glad you are showing up for a change. How the heck are you? We have missed your page turning abilities.
Hi Teresa

I've been around, just haven't been posting...geez I must be sick huh. Actually
I'm doing pretty well, just kinda busy lately. Looks like I need to clean this place
up...kick some arse ya know.

How you been?
Hi Teresa

I've been around, just haven't been posting...geez I must be sick huh. Actually
I'm doing pretty well, just kinda busy lately. Looks like I need to clean this place
up...kick some arse ya know.

How you been?
I'm doing well. Just really busy and the weather sucks so I haven't been riding my new bike. I'm also in school again to finish up my degree program. Work, work, work and not much else. Looking forward to some warmer weather. How are you?
I'm GREAT...but you already know that

Thinking about buying a '08, planning on going to the fall bash, can't wait for Mark's ride...planning track days too...just need to find some more time to do all my trips.
This new Ipod thingie kicks arse. I was never a fan of ipods...usually preferred drag and drop kind of stuff like creative zen and sandisk....