Pacific Northwest

Nice pics mountain....sorry about the kawi...
its not bad right now here , but still cold . My son just left on his bike to go to work .
I just got my Ipod 80GB classic. Cant wait to load it up. Im getting a Zumo 550 next so I can integrate the Ipod, my phone, and the nav. My buddy did that on his triumph and says it works like a champ. Has a bluetooth headset playing music and can transfer over to his phone through the nav system. Anyone else doing this?
Some one I was reading hs the zumo and loves it to . I was going to look into it so I can hook up the music and phone to it . I had a chatter bbox but the sound quality sucked .
By the way , Who wants to go to Stugis this summer ? I got my place reserved already .
I went in 02 when I got my first busa , now i'm going with my sons . Its 1200 mile there I figure 2 days to get there and 4 days there . Aug 4th - 11th .
Dude...I might be on that. We're going to Disneyland in June. If I have enough time off left I wanna go. I'll figure things out and let you know.