Pacific Northwest

Sorry we don't ride with anyone from Longview !

Just Kidding !Welcome to the best thread
. You should track it so you know when we are doing things . We do get together during the year from time to time .
Welcome aboard. I have a brother down in Vancouver so I make it down that way for a ride a few times a year. Last year we road the coast HWY down to Florence, OR. We spent 5 days camping and riding bikes (repairing his a few time along the way). He'll be getting a newer bike before Spring this year so we won't need to work on it as much.
The sun's out trying to tease us today. The roads up north are wet and have nasty stuff all over them from the sand. If the weather holds for a few hours I'll go for a ride.


I got the bike out for a few miles today!
It felt so good. If I didn't have to work I would have ridden all afternoon. Now back to the grind.
Today was great for riding. It's a shame I slept through most of it. Back at work now, so no riding tonight. I'm hoping that tomorrow is a bit more sunny so I can get the bike out for more miles.
How do you all think the weather is going to be this summer? I'm not going to be home until August so I won't be riding until then. I hope we have a good summer like we usually do. All I really want to do is ride when I get home... so make sure it's nice and sunny for me!