Pacific Northwest

I'm sure the weather will be fine this summer. I want the good stuff now though. I have a shiny new Busa that's begging for a nice day. I'm on-call this weekend so it can rain like hell.
I want it to be really nice on Monday and Tuesday when I don't have to work.
The oyster run is in Anacortes isn't it? My mom lives in Anacortes so I'll have a place to crash at the end of the day
I've only been to one other pig roast in my life... I think I'm about due for another one, and it will be a blast to meet all of you guys.
I believe we're going to do something with Daniel down in Oregon this year....arent we GC? We was talking about doing a combo ride/dyno day/pig roast thingie sometime in May. What say you Daniel....still on? I can start lining up the details now if you want.
I believe we're going to do something with Daniel down in Oregon this year....arent we GC?  We was talking about doing a combo ride/dyno day/pig roast thingie sometime in May.  What say you Daniel....still on?  I can start lining up the details now if you want.  
Yes Sir it's gonna be a Party for sure..I would like to do it when we know the weather is gonna be right so we can maybe even make it like a 2 day event or something.....I would talk to my Landlord and see if it would be okay to camp here down below and see if fire marshall would allow a barn fire if it's not already to hot

Ride during day,party & drink up that night and do a few hundred mile trek the next day after breakfast and a few aspirin
...I'm open for suggestions of what the people that would come would like to do...There are some great roads starting at my shop and leading out to the forest....

I am ALLL over that. Ill bring the truck with the pig roaster in the back, trailer the bike, and maybe bring a couple of friends too. This'll be cool.
Also, my buddy's wife here makes some real nice calendars out of whatever photos you give her. I was thinking we could do some nice pics of the event and our ride and then everyone can buy a calendar if they wanted.
I'm sure that the more the merrier is how we will do it !

GC I would like a drag night before or after the roast
Where abouts in Oregon are you planning for this??  Will ya allow newbies or is this a private friends only thing.
I have a shop in Boring,Oregon between Hwy 26 and Hwy 212...It's right off the hwy and easy to find.

STFLKR,when we do this you and all your friends are welcome,I want anybody that is even interested in biking to come whether you have a bike or not...I look at the NW as a place people have become very clicky or social status seperated,I think that anyone who is into biking period should all hang together,I don't believe in just having highend only customers,I believe in all folks whether a customer or not that you should be able to enjoy biking whether as a passenger,rider on just an ethusuiast..We all can't afford to buy the best of everything but one thing we can do is all enjoy biking at any level....See Ya Soon I'm Sure...  

Frisbee a friday night at the drags would be real cool on a streetbike et challenge night,a saturday meet & greet/dyno day and just hang/ride & then party that night..sunday we could go on a short ride or everyone just head home...
This sounds pretty fun but I must warn you this is how big bike rally's begin. We have a annual "cow chip boogie" around here that started this way. Not too many foreign bikes show up for this rally, mostly American made hogs, but the entertainment is beyond belief.

keep me informed I live a long way from Boring but the ride would be worth the party.
I don't believe in just having highend only customers.

Frisbee a friday night at the drags would be real cool on a streetbike et challenge night,a saturday meet & greet/dyno day and just hang/ride & then party that night..sunday we could go on a short ride or everyone just head home...
And here i thought I was an special!!!

Just so you all know Golden is the man and the ONLY one to work on my bikes for the last 3 years!
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stkflkr @ Feb. 17 2008 said:
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This sounds pretty fun but I must warn you this is how big bike rally's begin.   We have a annual "cow chip boogie" around here that started this way.   Not too many foreign bikes show up for this rally, mostly American made hogs, but the entertainment is beyond belief.

keep me informed I live a long way from Boring but the ride would be worth the party.
You live in Longview right?I'm less than 60 miles away if that...

I don't believe in just having highend only customers.

Frisbee a friday night at the drags would be real cool on a streetbike et challenge night,a saturday meet & greet/dyno day and just hang/ride & then party that night..sunday we could go on a short ride or everyone just head home...
And here i thought I was an special!!!

Just so you all know Golden is the man and the ONLY one to work on my bikes for the last 3 years!
You are SPECIAL in your own little way....I THANK YOU for all the business you have brought me and most important the friendship that has come of it...See ya soon....I thank you for the loyalty...
Just in case the people that mean the most to me didn't hear the news .... My Mom was diagnost with stage 4 lung cancer and given 6-12 months to live last June. Well the prayers and thoughts from everyone worked ( i'm sure the doctor and cemo helped too)!! We got the news on Friday that she is 100% cured !!!!!!!!!! This was the Miricle we asked for and I Thank God and everyone !!!!!!! She will have to be checked in about 6 months to see if anything comes back but the doctor said that she is all better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just in case the people that mean the most to me didn't hear the news .... My Mom was diagnost with stage 4 lung cancer and given 6-12 months to live last June. Well the prayers and thoughts from everyone worked ( i'm sure the doctor and cemo helped too)!! We got the news on Friday that she is 100% cured !!!!!!!!!! This was the Miricle we asked for and I Thank God and everyone !!!!!!! She will have to be checked in about 6 months to see if anything comes back but the doctor said that she is all better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  