Try routing the choke cable down the left side of the stem instead of all the way around and it shouldn’t pull at full lock left anymore.

That bell helmet is my next purchase, just being lazy on pulling the trigger lol

Oh and advance auto parts is going out of business, I just bought a bunch of oil and engine ice from them for 60-70% off. see if they have any near u

Much appreciated!
Met a 94 year old woman today. Still has her wits. She has a walker and oxygen. Living in her own home. Nice lady. I thought that was terrific.
I bet she was a feisty old gal. I knew a woman who made it to 100, used to have a government paid helper come every day to make her bed and clean up a bit but she did it all herself before she came and told the woman, "No, I need the exercise, you can just sit and have a cup of tea and we can chat."
I still have the 20 gauge pump my dad gave me when I was 12. And granddad’s 16 gauge double barrel. But I’ve been thinking about a 12 gauge over and under. Any recommendations?

Pretty much any over and under 12 ga would serve your purpose.....the only deciding factor would be your budget. A friend of mine has a Browning and it is decent......he seldom uses it though.
I bet she was a feisty old gal. I knew a woman who made it to 100, used to have a government paid helper come every day to make her bed and clean up a bit but she did it all herself before she came and told the woman, "No, I need the exercise, you can just sit and have a cup of tea and we can chat."

Pretty much any over and under 12 ga would serve your purpose.....the only deciding factor would be your budget. A friend of mine has a Browning and it is decent......he seldom uses it though.

Crazy what you can spend on one.

Back in Iowa, where deer hunters had to use shotguns, my buddy let me shoot his 12 gauge with a sabot slug. The recoil felt like a sledgehammer. I said: “Nice.” And handed it back.
...But I’ve been thinking about a 12 gauge over and under. Any recommendations?

Franchi SPAS-12. Not what you were looking at, but needs change over time. No longer in production I believe but you should be able to find one on the second hand market.

Franchi SPAS-12. Not what you were looking at, but needs change over time. No longer in production I believe but you should be able to find one on the second hand market.

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Wow! Bad azz.!

I've been reading about the new mini shells. They sound like a neat solution for increasing a shot gun's capacity for defense purposes.

The Keltec bullpup looks like an ideal home defense unit. And not expensive.

My dad was a duck hunter. I went with him a few times. I do like the clays. Never done a proper sporting clays event. I find it more satisfying to hit a moving target than paper. Especially when you and your buddy are going for the same clay.

Such a delightful little gun. Light and nimble.


Try routing the choke cable down the left side of the stem instead of all the way around and it shouldn’t pull at full lock left anymore.

That bell helmet is my next purchase, just being lazy on pulling the trigger lol

Oh and advance auto parts is going out of business, I just bought a bunch of oil and engine ice from them for 60-70% off. see if they have any near u

"Choke" cable routing options. I imagine once I replace the air box, my options will be more apparent.


