nickslick, thanks a lot for sharing....
Follow this link to the other group & you can get the 2001 & 02 updates for the manual.

Just noticed they also have the microfische too!

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If anyone has trouble with this, PM me and I'll burn you a copy.... Won't cost too much to mail it I suppose (less than buying one anyway) Thanks Slick
FYI, for those of you getting the corrupted file message, upgrade your version of Acrobat to the latest and greatest.
sorry if this has been covered, whats the password for the pdf?

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[move]Very much apriciate the manual download,You saved me some money.........might as well buy the video what better way to show appriciation.
Thank you! I'm getting a Bus (my first) Wednesday or Thursday after work and this'll be perfect for me to look at when I'm not wiping the dead bugs off the windscreen!
Nick, was up in Willow Creek last week, after your movies and now getting a chance to ride there, wow, great roads, some of the best I have ever been on.

Thanks for the tips and movies.
Apparently this is no longer available at Nick's website. Anyone have any idea where I can get a copy now?
