Can she drive. If I've got some buddies over for a drink up,I want some who can drive to the liquer store when we run out.
Seriously thou,does she drive? If not,that leaves you holding the sack to transport her little bu77 all over the place.
Kids? Do you want them? Cause there's a better chance you could off spring some more little people.
If it gets serious and she wants to move in,there could be some costly home reno's headed yer way.
Are you a hot headed ol' bastid like me? Cause if you are,I'd expect to be in a fight or two at times. I've punched people in the head for their unwanted comments before.Little people,handicap folks,etc can be the target for mean people.Does she have a good sense of humour about her situation or are you gonna go broke buying tissue and comforting her every night.
Yer busa will need to have the rear pegs raised.
Does she have a circle of friends that are little people? They may be spitefull or jealous that she's gone over to the other side.That could cost her friendships.
You'll have to sit in the front row at sporting events,concerts,etc. That could get costly.Nose bleed seats are way cheaper.
Mostly,I'm just having fun with ya
But there are hundreds of things to consider,unless you truely believe in that..."Love conquers All" krap.
The Pros: How much could she possibly eat? You could save thousands not havin' to feed some giant chick.
You might only have a single bed.No problem.When you're done "messing around" at night, you can just put her to bed in yer sock drawer.
Just messin wit ya...I'll get outa here before I get in trouble.Good luck bro.