When I was a copper in Los Angeles, I can say the culture was really strong for physical fittness (weights and long beach runs in groups when off duty). Also, it was enforced by the brass as well (started with a polite private discussion then could actually creep into your performance eval). Although I've always kept up my cardio, I remember I let myself go for a year or so and when in a foot pursuit, climbing over a 10 foot chain link fence, I almost fainted at the top! After that incident, I NEVER let myself get that way again!
Where I live now, I'm amazed at how tubby some of the LEO's are (not all), it's sad, in part because they have a responsibility to us the taxpayers to stand between the citizenry and the forces of evil in society. In my estimation, you are REALLY unprofessional if you are a tub O lard as a peace officer!
BTW, 1340, one of my assignments back during VietNam was as a brig chaser out of the Butler brig! Also, a Corporal out of Camp Hansen for awhile(I remember Kin village, I bet it's changed since 1967!).....keep the faith and Semper Fi Marine. Doyle
Where I live now, I'm amazed at how tubby some of the LEO's are (not all), it's sad, in part because they have a responsibility to us the taxpayers to stand between the citizenry and the forces of evil in society. In my estimation, you are REALLY unprofessional if you are a tub O lard as a peace officer!
BTW, 1340, one of my assignments back during VietNam was as a brig chaser out of the Butler brig! Also, a Corporal out of Camp Hansen for awhile(I remember Kin village, I bet it's changed since 1967!).....keep the faith and Semper Fi Marine. Doyle