Political threads??????

Thank you for your observations. One is simply a right and wrong or a good and bad. The only thing political is reading the politics into it. Best way is just let us know how you feel instead of making an issue on what is missed or what is political on a thread. we will be happy to view any thread. We don't see them all the time instantly.
Did I miss the memo that now says we can post political content, and discuss political decisions on this forum?

Today alone two videos were posted that both are in direct conflict with the strict "No Politics" rule here.




When did the rules change?

Your kidding me right... No comments were made from either person that started the thread. A simple video no speculation, no play on words, no changing words around. You saw it just like we did... How does this make it political?

Here is the defination from wikipedia

Politics is a process by which groups of people make decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic and religious institutions. It consists of "social relations involving authority or power"[1] and refers to the regulation of a political unit,[2] and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.[3]

I dont think either one of the people that started the threads your speaking of have the ability to make policy, I dont think that they have any authority or power, they simply are showing videos of factual statements or broadcasted media speaking about a specific topic. Open for the viewer to make up their own mind at the end of the video clip... You tell me who put the politics in this thread the person that started it or you?

C'mon we all know it's not about what is posted as much as it is WHO post's it.. :whistle:

And that's one of the reasons so many peeps are not here anymore as well as peeps like me that lurk and don't post.. :thumbsup:
C'mon we all know it's not about what is posted as much as it is WHO post's it.. :whistle:

And that's one of the reasons so many peeps are not here anymore as well as peeps like me that lurk and don't post.. :thumbsup:

So spit it out Doyle, I posted a video about an immigration bill and your saying what... Bring to the top, speak your words, its never stopped you before!
Your kidding me right... No comments were made from either person that started the thread. A simple video no speculation, no play on words, no changing words around. You saw it just like we did... How does this make it political?

Here is the defination from wikipedia

Politics is a process by which groups of people make decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic and religious institutions. It consists of "social relations involving authority or power"[1] and refers to the regulation of a political unit,[2] and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.[3]

I dont think either one of the people that started the threads your speaking of have the ability to make policy, I dont think that they have any authority or power, they simply are showing videos of factual statements or broadcasted media speaking about a specific topic. Open for the viewer to make up their own mind at the end of the video clip... You tell me who put the politics in this thread the person that started it or you?



To be fair, by saying: "I dont need to comment the video says it all." implies that the video is speaking for you, so you can't really say no comments were made. The whole video is one long comment.

We all have the ability to support policy or block policy through contacting our representatives.
Humm. Civil discussions about "politics" and other controversial topics have been going on for months now. They only get moderated when people forget what the issue is and start attacking each other. Not sure why you are just noticing now.
So spit it out Doyle, I posted a video about an immigration bill and your saying what... Bring to the top, speak your words, its never stopped you before!

All I'm I'm saying Doug is that you and a few others can post what you or they want and it gets overlooked.. You well that's because YOU own the site.. the few others well.. :whistle:

I went to lurking because I like the site as well as I like alot of the peeps and the great info that's available to me..

Lurking keeps me from being BANNED.. :thumbsup:

Now back to lurking.. :beerchug:
So these threads aren't political because of "who" posted them, or what the content was? I'm confused here. If that's the case then none of the political threads would have been deleted from this site, only the posts that contained personal attacks.

I've been ridiculed for correcting a Mod. I guess I'm now at risk for worse because I pointed this out to and Admin. Oh, well. Life goes on.
As one who posts occassionally kinda like the person on the outside looking in I would have to concur with Dino with the statement that if one posts something political in nature it would indeed would suggest or imply that, that this is his or her political pursuasion or bent by the direction of the post. Just sayin... I also haven't been around long enough to understand the "people aren't here any more comment" but it would be a shame to lose subscribers if posters were to feel persecuted for their legitimate comments. I find this forum envigorating, fun and enlightening and in the words of Rodney King..."why can't we all get along"? Be decent , say what you will and challenge everyone with intelligent conversation or sometimes not. LOL Just my 2 1/2 cents worth. Wardie
I'm confused here. If that's the case then none of the political threads would have been deleted from this site, only the posts that contained personal attacks..

I'm not going to get into an arguement with you. If the post has some value to the site outside of the personal attacks, we will take the time to clean it up the attacks and leave the thread. I did that earlier today in the 10 reasons... thread. I've done it in others as well. I also don't normaly get involved until after the thread is reported to the Admins/mods by a member.

However, we are all busy. Our job isn't admin/moderator. We work full time jobs and have families. Cleaning up a thread is time consuming. If we don't think there is enough value in the thread to clean up the crap in it, the entire thread will be removed.

It isn't the admins/mods that cause threads to go away. Its the members who are not able to debate an issue without insulting, name calling, or attacking individuals with opposing opinions.
I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just asking for clear cut rules. This fuzzy gray area approach is far too subjective and needs to be defined if it's going to be enforced.
Truwreks I saw both the threads shortly after they were posted. Without needing to watch the videos I had a pretty good idea those who posted them had just knocked over a can of gasoline in a room full of smokers...inadvertently or not.

This message board has likely always been a mostly blue collar, right of center place. I don't know if that's just because of the demographic the Hayabusa tends to cater to, or has to do with the local culture where this site's owner lives...not meant to be derrogatory, but it is an extremely conservative part of the U.S.

As a result, participation here requires one to recognize that there is not a balanced view of things political or philosophical in nature presented here, and never will be.

Personally I've learned to find some amusement in the righteous indignation that has enriched the demagogues in the "media", and though I'm often disappointed in the deficit in critical thinking skills I see displayed on internet message boards in general, I've learned to accept that this is merely a reflection of our education system...not necessarily the individual.

This site gets really boring without an occasion injection of drama of one sort or another. Personally, I wish we could mature beyond "red state v. blue state", "conservative v. liberal", "my way or you're wrong", but it seems we can't seem to find a single issue or purpose greater than our petty disagreements that will function to unite us to move forward towards a better future.

Granted, it's more difficult to focus on the things we have in common when there is an entire industry of pundits posing as newscasters who earn millions of dollars inciting the masses.
We coud make a rule that a thread gets deleted at the first personal attack. I don't think that would serve the membership very well since a handful of peope could make alot of threads just disappear. I spent 4 hours cleaning up a thread about braking techniques one night because in my judgement it had value to the site and the core thread should remain for the good of the membership. I'm not going to spend 4 hour cleaning up a thread about whether Gov't Heath Care is a good idea, who's religion is better, whether Lady Gaga is a man, etc. While there may be some gray area in the judgement calls of whether to clean up or remove, I still think that each thread needs to be looked at on a case by case basis. The bottom line is there wouldn't need to be a judgement call made if everyone would behave themselves and respectfully disagree, or just back out of the thread and leave it alone if they don't agree. We all know we won't agree with everything in every post.
So spit it out Doyle, I posted a video about an immigration bill and your saying what... Bring to the top, speak your words, its never stopped you before!

I, myself, will never understand why it is that certain people cannot engage in proper debate, nor observe rightful "due process", about this or that, whether it be politics or religion,, to move through facts and opinions from either left, right or middle sides that hopefully and eventually with all discovery presented lead to a common and harmonious goal without getting belligerent, agitated in thoughts and words towards others?
We coud make a rule that a thread gets deleted at the first personal attack.

I think that is censoring!

I think that it would be a better served effort to restrict the benefits of the user, NOT blatant banning,, if it came to personal attacks.

We are people OF THIS world,, we have rights to discuss and share our thoughts diplomatically, whether it be here,, or somewhere where the fence is a little bigger (assuming - that if that were a description of this place) and not pure unadulterated oppression.
I, myself, will never understand why it is that certain people cannot engage in proper debate, nor observe rightful "due process", about this or that, whether it be politics or religion,, to move through facts and opinions from either left, right or middle sides that hopefully and eventually with all discovery presented lead to a common and harmonious goal without getting belligerent, agitated in thoughts and words towards others?

Some people can't present their case and then agree to disagree. Something in them has to be right at any cost.