Language Rules, Please read now.

Dude.... Its not a fallacious argument.... But I am not going to pursue this... Going riding...

I think he is referring to you comparing rules being changed after the fact to the rules being laid out and agreed to up front.
This forum is for adults... and as such we should be treated in that way... Censorship is a slippery slope... It often ends in burning books and imprisoning those with whom we do not agree... let freedom reign and if people do not like the language they are free to leave....:beerchug:

adults?.............hahahaha, more like a day care.:poke:
Really??? So if suddenly the government arbitrarily decided I could not express opinions that differ from them.... You would be ok with that???

You're attempting to compare a constitutionally protected right vs. rules on a private internet site....doesn't work. That's comparing apples to oranges.

Enjoy your ride!
BAM......That didn't take long. It's usually just a matter of time. I was going to ask him what would make a rectifier go bad and what happens when it does? Anyone else know?
BAM......That didn't take long. It's usually just a matter of time. I was going to ask him what would make a rectifier go bad and what happens when it does? Anyone else know?

This is the second time and hopefully the decision is not recanted
This is the second time and hopefully the decision is not recanted

I didn't know it was the second time. Some folks know how far to push the envelope, others don't, or don't care. Well, belligerently arguing a senseless point with the mods is not something that works in a members favor!
This forum is for adults... and as such we should be treated in that way... Censorship is a slippery slope... It often ends in burning books and imprisoning those with whom we do not agree... let freedom reign and if people do not like the language they are free to leave....

So I suppose it's time for me to step in and make sure there is no misunderstandings....

This forum is not financed by any government, we do not receive any funding through grants, or any religious organisation and Suzuki does't give me free parts or free bikes. This site is owned and operated by one person, me. For the past 11 years we have held true to the values that I felt were condusive to the group of people that I chose to be around. Our intention has never been to be the biggest website, our goal has been to build relationships of like people that share a common interest. We have seen many other motorcyle or even busa websites come and go that allowed the self moderation rule. There has to be some standards set so that people understand what is expected to be a part of this forum to have a group that will meld and make the experience enjoyable for those that choose to participate.

Every few years we see an attitude of "Entitlement" where some folks feel that because the site is on the Internet or because they own a Hayabusa that they have a "Right" to be on this forum and to act or say whatever they want without any consequences. There are no requirements from owning a busa that you have to attend this forum. I am not here to judge anyone but I do hold a responsibilty to set the bar for what is acceptable and what the consequences are for crossing the known lines. If you choose to speak to others with profanity coming out every other word that is between you and your friends. I choose not to do that, it doesn't make me better it just makes our opinions different. If you feel so opposed to the rules that we have here I would suggest a few other busa forums that maybe you have never heard of before that will allow you to speak that way. or both allow you say whatever you want. In the same breath that you speak freedom of speech and censorship I simply ask you to look and see if your freedom should be able to trump mine? I am not asking you to conform to a religion or change your beliefs I simply ask that while you are here that you respect the rules and guidelines that we have set in place.

It's a little funny how anytime you put a standard out to be followed many people will always try downplay the requirement with freedom. The freedoms that you all hold are just as real to me, my freedom allows me to own this website and set whatever guidelines I choose to run this forum, you have the freedom to acknowledge those rules and enjoy or to say to yourself that you disagree and not join as a member.

Each of us are held to our own convictions, I have found that the success of this place is not because of anything that I have specifically done but more of the environment that we supply. We present to members a place to have open respectful discussions. A place where you can talk motorcycles and to tell stories and share information. I would say to you that if you don't like it here then you may want to move on and find another place to call your Internet home, I consider this place an extension of my physical house. If I were to come to where you live I would surely follow the rules of your home. If you asked me not to smoke or take my shoes off at the door I would gladly comply as to not offend you. The freedoms I have been offered as an American stopped the minute you told me what the conditions were to enter your home. I simple ask for the same level of respect here, you choose and decide if you are willing to enter this forum with the conditions and limitations that have been posted and you agreed on, we haven't changed the rules they have been around since inception. If you do choose not to enter we will think no less of you, if you have been here and you don't agree with my policies thats okay too and we will miss your involvement. We simply ask you that if do want to enjoy the great friendships you do it on the terms we posted and you accepted. If you get angry and leave we ask that you respect the others and not tear things up on the way out....

There are some incredible folks on this site no doubt, I have met people here that I would never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise but we have to have some form of standards here, regardless if you agree or understand the reasoning we simply ask that you follow them.

Stwbusa you have it all wrong, you think that you have rights that are extended to you from the constitution... We have rules in this country and all over the world because men can't get along. Man can't self police.... There is always someone that takes things to the extreme. You don't get it, time and time again you have come into this forum caused problems, you are the number one complaint I have receive over the past two months... You have no rights here....

Your account has been banned...

Well said Cap, and I totally agree with everything you said. I hope others take note so we can quit dealing with all of this non sense and get back to motorcycles. :)
Posted via Mobile Device
I am probably more "liberal" than anyone that posts here....but I get along just fine. It's not about political convictions, it's about the attitude you bring to the game! Doyle
Captain I'm new to this site and I totally agree with you :)

Guys let's not make it more difficult than it really is :)
Let's just keep it civil

Hayabusa ftw!
blah blah blah. Just come in be friends and not try to one up each other. I don't try to step on other peoples toes and never will. Whats the point?

As far as language goes, I may not have that large of a vocabulary but it is large enough to incorporate other non vulgar words that get the same level of frustrations out.

Although while I could care less either way I do understand this site is intended to be family friendly and thus should be treated as one.

You are free to voice your opinion. Your assumtion that this is a site only for adults is not correct. The language rules are basically the same as those for non premium TV channels. There are a few words/phrases in addition to what TV prohibits that we believe are offensive and prohibit here as well.

If your following the T.V Guidelines for Language rules, what about putting a rating that says not child safe like they do with all the fancy letters before hand showing its not child safe?
If your following the T.V Guidelines for Language rules, what about putting a rating that says not child safe like they do with all the fancy letters before hand showing its not child safe?
The system isn't broken so it probably isn't going to get fixed.
Why allow postings that are not child safe when it is family friendly, always has been family friendly?
There are some incredible folks on this site no doubt, I have met people here that I would never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise but we have to have some form of standards here, regardless if you agree or understand the reasoning we simply ask that you follow them.


That part is so true Cap. I've met many I would never have had chance to thru here. Thanks to all.

Can TwoTone not post a simple thread reminding us of the rules without starting an arguement? Geesh!

I consider this place Capt's livingroom. He was nice enough to invite me in , give me a soda and chips and allow me to hang out with y'all. I do my best to act same way and speak same way here as if I'm sitting at home and or in Capts real home. I come here because it is safe for me to have the org open on my Pc in my home office and not worry about the wife, the daughter or my four year old son seeing something they should not if they were to walk in or look over my back. The Cuban Dragon would not allow me to live long if I kept 'minimizing' the page every time she walked in. It's good for her to see it's just good ole folks talking about stuff.
Now if I can just convince the wife that BlondeonaBusa is not really trying to meet me I'll be ok :rofl:
Everytime she sees BoB post she's like 'what are you doing?' 'are you talking to men or women?' 'what's this BlondeonaBusa want with my husband?'
'I keeeel her jew no!'