Language Rules, Please read now.

That part is so true Cap. I've met many I would never have had chance to thru here. Thanks to all.

Can TwoTone not post a simple thread reminding us of the rules without starting an arguement? Geesh!

I consider this place Capt's livingroom. He was nice enough to invite me in , give me a soda and chips and allow me to hang out with y'all. I do my best to act same way and speak same way here as if I'm sitting at home and or in Capts real home. I come here because it is safe for me to have the org open on my Pc in my home office and not worry about the wife, the daughter or my four year old son seeing something they should not if they were to walk in or look over my back. The Cuban Dragon would not allow me to live long if I kept 'minimizing' the page every time she walked in. It's good for her to see it's just good ole folks talking about stuff.
Now if I can just convince the wife that BlondeonaBusa is not really trying to meet me I'll be ok :rofl:
Everytime she sees BoB post she's like 'what are you doing?' 'are you talking to men or women?' 'what's this BlondeonaBusa want with my husband?'
'I keeeel her jew no!'
Don't flatter yourself yo!
She is just upset because she is not the only woman that gets to smack you around:laugh:
See I keep telling her that! 41 skinny balding outta shape!
Must be the Busa that makes me so sexy :dunno:

So if I say "Hey Blanca it was great to meet you the other day. Sorry it was cut short because you didn't want your wife to find out" you would be in a whole heap of trouble?:whistle:
Although I do not agree with Cap's religious beliefs and I oppose common citizenry owning guns, I think I do get along with everyone here on this site despite my liberal outlook. I try not to whip up controversy,which I very easily could do with a stroke or two of my keyboard, as could any member.

Maybe it goes to show how despite all of our differences, that a love of bikes n' busa's create a common thread between us all.

So Cap, how close was I to getting banned?
Why? - An armed society is a polite society.
Crimes involving firearms are almost always committed by people who are using unregistered/stolen weapons.

Easy. That's a whole nuther discussion for a whole nuther thread.
We have had discussions in the past where Shnizzle explained herself and we have to respect that. As she said she doesn't think like many here but we still all get along.
I wish I could find the quote, but it' s something to the effect of 'Vulgarity is just a poor excuse for not being able to find better words to express yourself'.

It's taken me years to cut some of the vulgarity out of my language (25 years in the Army will do that to you); I'm still a work in progress. Sure don't want my daughter using it....
I wish I could find the quote, but it' s something to the effect of 'Vulgarity is just a poor excuse for not being able to find better words to express yourself'.

It's taken me years to cut some of the vulgarity out of my language (25 years in the Army will do that to you); I'm still a work in progress. Sure don't want my daughter using it....

I am the same way, except I didn't have the army train me, I was just a bratty teenager. But I remember something my Great-Grandma said to me one day after I used the f bomb. She said, Patricia, that sounds so ugly! It wasn't until a few years later when I heard a little boy no older than 5 years old using the f bomb. I thought to myself, how ugly. And it is, when you think about what the word really means. I have curbed my potty mouth quite a bit. I will admit the B word flies alot when I am driving and I encounter idiot drivers. :laugh:
I find these conversations interesting. While personally vulgarity other than racial doesn't bother me at all. Particularly if it is used in context. I do understand that others may or may not feel the same way. As Cap said it's his house his rules and if you can't respect that you have problems and should move on. I do wonder how much of it is a generational thing? Or if that is even a factor..

I had a good friend who cussed all the time in front of her kid and I asked her once why she did that. She called her daughter over and asked her what she thought of cussing. The response was interesting. Their rule was cussin is for adults and she could make the choice to use the language when she was an adult. I never once heard that little girl use even the remotest semblance of a swear word. Very well behaved, don't know if it's right or wrong just different from what I do.

I also worked at a catholic media distribution warehouse, did this in-between working at a Harley shop and what I do now. Went from shop language to "sucks" is a cuss word. Very interesting.

Anyhow if you sign up follow the rules you agreed to. Thanks for the site... Though I too would like my chips and soda :p
Easy. That's a whole nuther discussion for a whole nuther thread.
We have had discussions in the past where Shnizzle explained herself and we have to respect that. As she said she doesn't think like many here but we still all get along.

Ahhhh....I didn't realise Shnizzle was a woman.