Political threads??????

F=MA, I don't think either political party is qualified to govern this country. I don't care if anyone respects my choice of religion.

I do think this forum is beginning to be a "Who you know" group. Selective moderation is never a good way to go. Uniform rules need to apply to everyone that posts, or things here will always seem tainted.

The board back in 2003-2006 was more open and friendly feeling. It was more open feeling and everyone seemed to get along much better.

I know we have many more members now. A mob is always harder to keep in check than a group of friends. If the Moderators are too busy to stay on top of this than we need more moderators.
I think that is censoring!

I think that it would be a better served effort to restrict the benefits of the user, NOT blatant banning,, if it came to personal attacks.

We are people OF THIS world,, we have rights to discuss and share our thoughts diplomatically, whether it be here,, or somewhere where the fence is a little bigger (assuming - that if that were a description of this place) and not pure unadulterated oppression.

I think the rest of that post explained that I didn't think it would be a good idea. If we are to make a black and white rule, where do we place the bar? One attack and the the thread goes away, clean up every thread where attacks happen regardless of the effort or relevance of the thread to the board, 1 attack and you are banned, 10 attacks and your banned? While some might not agree with the case by case judgement calls that are made by the admins/mods, they are made with the good of the membership as a whole in mind. If you find a large number of your theads result in attacks being made and the thread going away, maybe you should take a look at what you are posting.
F=MA, I don't think either political party is qualified to govern this country. I don't care if anyone respects my choice of religion.

I do think this forum is beginning to be a "Who you know" group. Selective moderation is never a good way to go. Uniform rules need to apply to everyone that posts, or things here will always seem tainted.

The board back in 2003-2006 was more open and friendly feeling. It was more open feeling and everyone seemed to get along much better.

I know we have many more members now. A mob is always harder to keep in check than a group of friends. If the Moderators are too busy to stay on top of this than we need more moderators.

You've been here far longer than I. :bowdown:
There would never be enough moderators to make everyone happy. You want us to assign one to each member? Good grief, what ever happened to just using common sense and being RESPECTFUL in every discussion? Welcome to America, home of "I'm right and I'll drive you nuts until you agree with me"...

this is a private site.....and can be censored as the owner sees fit. you have the right to leave if that is not accptable.

there a number of reason why we cannot debate.

1. nobody wants to debate. most just want to sya what they feel, an want to be supported by like minded individuals. that is why most of the posts contain few facts, only feelings and opinion

2. lack of fact. nobody wants to know the truth. they want to vent, they want critisize. we constantly complain about the media and its lack of research or bias.....yet how many times in the last 2 months has someone posted some inflammatory article they got from thier favorite propaganda site.....only to have proven wrong by SNOPES...

debate invloves fact, it ok to voice your opinion.....but you have to be able accept that you may be wrong....especially if you are presented with facts.
There would never be enough moderators to make everyone happy. You want us to assign one to each member? Good grief, what ever happened to just using common sense and being RESPECTFUL in every discussion? Welcome to America, home of "I'm right and I'll drive you nuts until you agree with me"...


I nominate you to be my personal moderator.
I think this thread is a good example of how things could be. There are varying opinions and points of view being expressed in this thread. We are discussing them as a group of adults without name calling or mud slinging, even though we aren't seeing eye to eye on the subject. If all threads were kept to this level, there wouldn't be a need for moderation.
Welcome to America, home of "I'm right and I'll drive you nuts until you agree with me"...


I didn't know you know my boss. He can wear down anyone who has a differing opinion from him no matter how long it takes, or how hair brained the idea is.
I think this thread is a good example of how things could be. There are varying opinions and points of view being expressed in this thread. We are discussing them as a group of adults without name calling or mud slinging, even though we aren't seeing eye to eye on the subject. If all threads were kept to this level, there wouldn't be a need for moderation.

F=MA, I don't think either political party is qualified to govern this country. I don't care if anyone respects my choice of religion.

I do think this forum is beginning to be a "Who you know" group. Selective moderation is never a good way to go. Uniform rules need to apply to everyone that posts, or things here will always seem tainted.

The board back in 2003-2006 was more open and friendly feeling. It was more open feeling and everyone seemed to get along much better.

I know we have many more members now. A mob is always harder to keep in check than a group of friends. If the Moderators are too busy to stay on top of this than we need more moderators.
awwwwright, there is hope for me yet!! :rofl:

slipping into opinion neutral mode... :laugh:
Some people can't present their case and then agree to disagree. Something in them has to be right at any cost.

Your statement is vague and ambiguous. I, for one, am always open for new and exciting information that would hopefully lead to new horizons.

I know you are not talking about me.

Let it be said that with all that you mods have to put up with, I commend each and everyone of your efforts. You certainly have your hands full. My hat IS off to you.
I didn't know you know my boss. He can wear down anyone who has a differing opinion from him no matter how long it takes, or how hair brained the idea is.

Where I work, we lovingly call this banter "UBR"

Useless Boss Rambling :laugh:
I think this thread is a good example of how things could be. There are varying opinions and points of view being expressed in this thread. We are discussing them as a group of adults without name calling or mud slinging, even though we aren't seeing eye to eye on the subject. If all threads were kept to this level, there wouldn't be a need for moderation.

+1 It's a matter of being able to agree to disagree without taking it personally or attacking someone personally for having a different view. Sometimes it's good to hear the other side of things and look at them from a alternative perspective. You may not like everything about it but there is usually a degree of validity from both sides.
Your statement is vague and ambiguous. I, for one, am always open for new and exciting information that would hopefully lead to new horizons.

I know you are not talking about me.

Let it be said that with all that you mods have to put up with, I commend each and everyone of your efforts. You certainly have your hands full. My hat IS off to you.

I don't find it vague or ambiguous. We all have opinions and that's fine, but it's not anyone's job here to change everyone else. Present your case, agree to listen to the other side, they present their side. If you don't agree, leave it alone...
Where I work, we lovingly call this banter "UBR"

Useless Boss Rambling :laugh:

My boss has elevated it to a new level. When its within the team, he can just tell us to do it because he says so. He spent 9 months relentlessly wearing down another team we interact with to change the way they work to the way he wanted it done.
My boss has elevated it to a new level. When its within the team, he can just tell us to do it because he says so. He spent 9 months relentlessly wearing down another team we interact with to change the way they work to the way he wanted it done.
try working for a Muslim from Jordan.. they dont blow up cause of explosives.. it is their nature... :whistle:

if you are a woman? good friggen luck... women are not equal to men at any level by their culture... is pretty amazing to watch..
You are correct. It was a response to the question you asked.

It's crazy without tonalities, BW. I am saying I DO agree with all that you do stand for in this topic!

The vague and ambiguity issue was on whether or not you meant that directed at those that violate,, make sense? It seemed directed at me without qualification. I was merely dismissing it trying to get back on point to the original issue at hand.
It's crazy without tonalities, BW. I am saying I DO agree with all that you do stand for in this topic!

The vague and ambiguity issue was on whether or not you meant that directed at those that violate,, make sense? It seemed directed at me without qualification. I was merely dismissing it trying to get back on point to the original issue at hand.

No problem. This is where forum discussion frequenty go bad. One person reads a response differently than intended, but instead of clarifying the intent as you did, retaliates to the message they thought was being sent.