this is a private site.....and can be censored as the owner sees fit. you have the right to leave if that is not accptable.
there a number of reason why we cannot debate.
1. nobody wants to debate. most just want to sya what they feel, an want to be supported by like minded individuals. that is why most of the posts contain few facts, only feelings and opinion
2. lack of fact. nobody wants to know the truth. they want to vent, they want critisize. we constantly complain about the media and its lack of research or bias.....yet how many times in the last 2 months has someone posted some inflammatory article they got from thier favorite propaganda site.....only to have proven wrong by SNOPES...
debate invloves fact, it ok to voice your opinion.....but you have to be able accept that you may be wrong....especially if you are presented with facts.