Politics on the forum

Allow/Dis-allow Political Threads on the .oRg?

  • Allow

    Votes: 87 70.7%
  • Disallow

    Votes: 36 29.3%

  • Total voters
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for some reason?...these days "politics" and "random thoughts" seem like a natural fit...that said?...(as sad as it may be)...i'm still an american and a former US Marine...i've lent myself and my rifle to protecting constitutional things such as...


and all the other freedoms that make this a country of free people..."RULES" are made by rulers...often times to protect those who haven't the common courtesy or sense to simply excuse themselves and walk away...it's these people who seem content to stay and biotch about others enjoying their freedoms...hence?...want more biotchs hang'in out?...then make more rules...it seems to be a goal to those who resent witnessing others enjoy their freedoms. I voted "Allow" cause...well?..

censorship sorta kinda sux. :laugh:

L8R, Bill. :cool:
I agree Don, I think people should voice their opinion , at least they're " thinking " . I'd rather have someone voicing something I dont agree with , than to sit around and be brain dead and do nothing..
Don Jaun Demarco (1995)

We're all adults here and if we can't talk and keep it civil then that's a problem, but the problem is civility not politics.???
we live in a democratic country, of course we are going to be subjected to politics. and the freedom of speech allows all of us to speak our mind. everyone needs to remember it is NOT A CRIME to discuss religion, sex, gender,ie. politics. I find it like a double bladed sword when people/organizations dis-allow discussing politics cause no-matter what side of the blade you are on, there is still a sharp blade in front of you. politicians are nothing but mere LEGAL-CRIMINALS anyway. they will change their mind and even falter to thew most $$$$. what people need to realize is this: EVERY COUNTRY ON THIS PLANET IS RAN BY INTERNATIONAL BANKS and THE OVERLY WEALTHY. politicians are mere puppet heads. my :2cents:
I love politics. It controls our daily lives, some how or another. One candidate wants a 28% capital gains tax on your home when you sell it. Yes your vote counts. Get involved.
Do you want lower gas prices? With lower gas prices comes lower prices for other goods. Be heard.
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