Poll: Why did you choose to ride a Hayabusa?

Oh yeah plus its a "KEEPER", probably gonna be my last streetbike, at least thats what i keep telling myself


I may get shot for saying this but... It wasn't because of the speed/power.

I bought  mine (still on the way, dammit!) for the comfort, hard luggage option, and stability at autobahn speeds.  Basically, I want to tour without going to a full-touring bike.  

Being cheaper than a CBR1100 and more reliable than the new V-TEC VFR helped the decision too.

Oh, and the speed/power.  
Okay...honestly...I loved the looks, but I really wanted a bike that I didn't need to do anything to...with the Harley, all I got was a seat and a speedo...no place to put anything, no gas gauge, no nothing!

That was my angle when convincing my husband that I needed this bike...problem is that seeing all that can be done to a Busa has sort of messed up my "I want it because it has everything" excuse...now my list of mods is bigger than I could even do to a Harley!

Gee, thanks a lot guys/gals!

BTW...did I mention that it's a girl's bike?!
Why did I buy it? Because it was the fastest thing out there and I loved how it looked.

Why did I keep it? Because it is the most well-rounded bike I have seen. No matter what I want to do with it, I can do it. Long rides, short rides, fast rides, slow rides... it can do it, and do it well. Plus, it has been extremely reliable to boot.
Cause the Shorty's Really Dig The Busa!!!

It's a lot of fun rolling into the parking lot and having the girlfriends/wives eyeballing the Black Beauty with lust in their eyes!

Yeah then I pop the helmet off and screw it all up, but for those few seconds, you get the honest looks while folks are busy digging your bike and forget briefly to try and be cool...
The bikes been out since 99' w/ very minor changes through the years and nothing has came close to beating it yet. You could read magazines all day long that give you perfect condition and "corrected" figures. But go to any drag race track and the Busa dominates as well as on the street. I doubt I will ever own another bike.
Salvage project, browsing the yards. Criteria (Sport bike 750cc or larger, fuel injected, larger bike comfortable for larger folk, frame in excellent condition) There it was a Busa, all criteria meet and exceeded.
After finding out more about Busas. I'd say it's the Sportsbike with power. Would of sold me on it.
Bonus is finding out can do all that and is comfortable.
I like the looks, has got a complete look about it. It's hard to look at a busa and discern detail with one look. Requires two or more focused looked of sections then piece together in the mind. It's unique look in this regard, many bikes can look at and there it is.
Why shouldn't of got it, cause relatively new rider. Busa has jumped a bike level I should have experienced first. Power management is an added variable. Can only say will practice much it's power in all situations. Goal is to use as much power it has to offer as an advantage.

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Because it would be more comfortable than another GSXR 750.
Because I saw it up close at the dealer, sat on it, fell in love with the color (fastest!), and the thought of a bike that looked so good, and would handle so well, and be so powerful, all in one package.