I remember the first time I saw one in 99, which was the first year I started riding. As we drove past, I remember craning my neck so hard it hurt trying to figure out what this golden missile of a motorcycle was. In the fleeting few seconds that I saw it, I still remember thinking "That bike is totally molded to that rider..." Then a couple of weeks later I saw it on TV, some kind of motorcycle show... and then I realized how fast it was.... HOLY S#!T
I had loved it ever since, but knew that it was well out of my price (and experience) range. Over the years I saw plenty of them, read lots about them and finally was able to get one to call my own in Sep 2008. It was a big risk purchasing it as I had never ridden one before, I didn't know if it was comfy, I didn't know if I could handle the power...
Here I am 3 years later after adding 30,000 kms to the odometer and I am loving every minute of it. Is there anything this bike CAN'T do? I love it's straightline, cheekpulling, acceleration and speed, I love it for riding 2 up and going on long trips, I love rocking it through the twisties. I love having drinks with friends and just staring at it in the garage, I love how the smooth fairing feels against my... Whoops, almost went a bit too far there
Plain and simple, this bike is the S#@! and I can't wait to put another 30,000 kms on it...

After the winter maintenance (new clutch, new fork springs, new chain/sprockets), all I'll have to do is gas her up and change the oil....