Post-Military Career?

How about something in the CIA or FBI? With your background and some education, you should be able to do something like that or even the DEA. The DEA would probably be more fun, but I have no clue as to the money they make.:beerchug:

the federal teet will feed you much better than the state or local.
If you don't mind moving around the country once in a while. :thumbsup:
whatever u do dont stay in im still in and re uped just so my wife could finish pharmacy school with my gi bill so get out while u still can and never look back lol
you can't go wrong heading towards the medical field ( for now)

as for mgmt. thats the catch all deg. and really quite useless, as i have 1 and work in the engineering world using none of my deg.

just becuase you have a mgmt deg. doesn't mean you'll get a mgmt position unless you like working at the mall.

my neighbor just retired from the army at age 38, now he gets 80% and he can work at wally world as the door greater and still make a decent living.

It's as close to a free education as you will ever get. It won't be as exciting as what you've been doing, but it will set you up for life. I've always said that the best thing about the military is that it give people opportunities to better their lot dealt in life. Time and time again you can look at people that made something of their lives that used the military as a jump-off.

You might even consider the Guard/Reserve Option. I met some of the best people, and got the best of both (civilian and military) worlds for 26 years through that route. You will find that you won't be able to connect as well with civilians, and at least thru the ARNG/USAR route you will find like-minded people that you can share your experience (and maybe, do some good) with. Also, having an extra paycheck a month isn't such a bad thing.

Good luck and thank you for your service to our great Nation!