Post your pets

here is my lil dog... her name is dixie. she is a husky sheppard mix...

Nicky has since passed away, but he was a good sport as you can see so it is worth putting up his pic....
ok suki is my doberman I got from the local shelter. The bigger one is lady, a rat terrier/mut also a sheltered puppy and that little thing has left but his names is peanut the retarded chiuaha

jebus, NoFearSpear, thats an enormous dog. my sister used to have some kinda dog, i dont remember what it was (not a great dane or st bernard, i know) but it was something like 230 lbs.
jebus, NoFearSpear, thats an enormous dog.  my sister used to have some kinda dog, i dont remember what it was (not a great dane or st bernard, i know) but it was something like 230 lbs.
This is a Great Pyrenees,,,Around here they work in teams "male and female"AKA cotote killers.