Post your pets

Here I am with my horse "Moose".

I love horses, but MAN are they a lot of work. All I have to do with my guys is put out food once in a while, clean litter boxes (Jobu's is 3ft by 4 ft) and keep them from killing one another.
I love horses, but MAN are they a lot of work.  All I have to do with my guys is put out food once in a while, clean litter boxes (Jobu's is 3ft by 4 ft) and keep them from killing one another.
LOL !!! Yeah, it looks like the big "Kitty" would like to have a live snack every now and then !!! He is beautiful !!!

Yes the horses are a lot of work and expensive as well, but we have a great time with them so it is worth it to us..
And then the others were jealous,,lol.
and how many people take a camera into the bathroom while sitting on the toilet? my my...

I think we need to start a collection.. Hal seemed pretty happy to have that miniature schnauzer in his lap..

this is "Ozzy" my hybrid "Clownder" fish Flounder+Clown

Jobu and tank kinda have an understanding. The understanding is that Jobu is in charge.

As for Jobu being a lot of work....well, he tried my patience a lot when he was a kitten. Imagine the energy of a normal kitten, then multiply that by about 20, then project that onto a cat thats already 25 lbs (Jobu is 42lbs now that hes an adult), and yuo get the idea. he used to climb curtains. then he went through a phase of eating curtains. then he ate one of the legs off a chair. Then he started pulling the curtains off the walls and hiding them under the bed....

Yeah you get the idea. Seriously though, hes an AWESOME pet. Much more loyal than a regular cat and even more loyal than a dog. If you adopt a serval then give it up, they dont do well at ALL with a new family. In fact, a lot of them die within a year of being given up.

They are definitely an adjustment though - they arent as easy to keep as a regular housecat. Size aside, they're VERY energetic and extremely intelligent. But, they're almost always a lot of fun and a joy to share the home with. I wouldnt trade that sh*t factory for anything.
Do you ever have trouble with snow sticking to your fur? ( Penny ) I bought this poodle for my wife and the damn dog follows me everywhere!
