Post your pets

Jobu and tank kinda have an understanding.  The understanding is that Jobu is in charge.  

As for Jobu being a lot of work....well, he tried my patience a lot when he was a kitten.  Imagine the energy of a normal kitten, then multiply that by about 20, then project that onto a cat thats already 25 lbs (Jobu is 42lbs now that hes an adult), and yuo get the idea. he used to climb curtains.  then he went through a phase of eating curtains.  then he ate one of the legs off a chair.  Then he started pulling the curtains off the walls and hiding them under the bed....

Yeah you get the idea.  Seriously though, hes an AWESOME pet.  Much more loyal than a regular cat and even more loyal than a dog.  If you adopt a serval then give it up, they dont do well at ALL with a new family.  In fact, a lot of them die within a year of being given up.  

They are definitely an adjustment though - they arent as easy to keep as a regular housecat.  Size aside, they're VERY energetic and extremely intelligent.  But, they're almost always a lot of fun and a joy to share the home with.  I wouldnt trade that sh*t factory for anything.
He is definitely a good looking cat !!

Has he ever done any midnight bombing raids or strafing runs on you ?
I'll bet that would scare the crap outta you at 42 lbs. !!!
Oh yes he has. And picture this: a serval has NO problem jumping 10 ft VERTICALLY, and they have NO issue landing on someone from a near standstill from just about anywhere in the room. One time when he was a kitten, he jumped up at a laser pointer that I had on the ceiling. Well, he made it. He hit his head on the ceiling hard enough to damage the drywall a little bit (8 ft ceilings in the house) and he was a lil dizzy after that. They also run about 50 MPH. in a 100 ft race between Jobu and my bike, I think my money woudl be on him.

To add to that, when they hunt (think about how cats sometimes stalk your feet under the covers) their preferred method is to jump high into the air and land a killing blow by "karate chop" to the unsuspecting victim. On more than one occasion, the "unsuspecting victim" was my testicles. Believe me, they were both unsuspecting AND victims... Thank God he's grown out of that for the most part.

And yeah, he can make himself GONE when you're mad at him. He knows when he's been a bad lil serval, but most of the time, i think he's having too much fun to care.

        Yeah, I figured you had some great cat stories with that guy. You can see the "Who Me" ? look in his eyes !!!

    Those last 2 pic's are AWESOME !!  

if any feline tries a karate-chop on my gonads....

that thing would get smackd so hard Garfield would get tha bruises!

sweet lookin animal tho-never knew Cervals were pets....kinda like a "Dr. Evil" lookin kitty...
About the claws:  yeah, they're retractable.  They're also about an inch and a half long.  No he is NOT declawed.  Generally speaking, when you declaw a cat, they have a tendency top develop some issues (more issues than normal, to be fair) and can also turn into biters.  It's worse with servals.  Additionally, a serval biting you is most DEFINITELY going to result in a trip to the hospital.  When he does nis "karate chop" thing, its with the claws sheathed.  I have yet to see him pounce on me or anyone else with the claws extended - it's just not how they roll.  Just to be safe though, i trim his claws about once every couple weeks so he doesnt destroy stuff.  I got him started on that VERY young, at about 4 weeks old.  Much easier to get them used to thay when they -can't- rip your face off.  

Really though, the way they bond to people, i could do that and he'd let me just because im "daddy" and my wife is "mommy".  They're very loyal, as i mentioned, and they're also very protective of their pack.  If any of you came to my house to visit, I'd have to let him know that you were okay before he'd ever let you get between me and him.  he does that all the time - he won't growl or hiss or anything (most of the time) but he'll just sit there and stare at you.  It's kinda creepy the way he does that, because even though hes not doing anything thats outwardly agressive, he still looks as if he wants to kill you.  

Oh, and by the way, the pic with his mouth open and ears back? that's how he says hello to us a lot of the time.  he's not mad, hes just weird.
About the claws:  yeah, they're retractable.  They're also about an inch and a half long.  No he is NOT declawed.  Generally speaking, when you declaw a cat, they have a tendency top develop some issues (more issues than normal, to be fair) and can also turn into biters.  It's worse with servals.  Additionally, a serval biting you is most DEFINITELY going to result in a trip to the hospital.  When he does nis "karate chop" thing, its with the claws sheathed.  I have yet to see him pounce on me or anyone else with the claws extended - it's just not how they roll.  Just to be safe though, i trim his claws about once every couple weeks so he doesnt destroy stuff.  I got him started on that VERY young, at about 4 weeks old.  Much easier to get them used to thay when they -can't- rip your face off.  

Really though, the way they bond to people, i could do that and he'd let me just because im "daddy" and my wife is "mommy".  They're very loyal, as i mentioned, and they're also very protective of their pack.  If any of you came to my house to visit, I'd have to let him know that you were okay before he'd ever let you get between me and him.  he does that all the time - he won't growl or hiss or anything (most of the time) but he'll just sit there and stare at you.  It's kinda creepy the way he does that, because even though hes not doing anything thats outwardly agressive, he still looks as if he wants to kill you.  

Oh, and by the way, the pic with his mouth open and ears back? that's how he says hello to us a lot of the time.  he's not mad, hes just weird.
I hear you man... I also fundamentally disagree with people having cats declawed. It is a brutal amputation of the toe bones and not simple removal of the claw.

If adopting a cat you must be willing to accept the nuances that come with it. Provide an alternative focus for destruction. That is why scratching posts were invented. You also have to address the marking of territory issues such as spraying by the males..

Still that is an awesome can and makes for a great option besides the average pet. I assume that you go through a lot of meat...

Anyhow, I am more of a dog person due to my allergies.
This is Maggie and Sasha. Maggie is a German Shepard/Pit Bull. Sasha is pure bred Rottweiler. Both are extensively trained and exercised by my wife. They are also therapy dogs. They visit old folks homes, and children's hospitals and Veterans Hospitals etc.

Thats our two dogs. Then we have 4 cats. One is very new, his name is Wyan but I have no pictures of him that are postable yet. Just rescued him recently. This pic is Vegas. He is the man of the house, and will beat up anyone in it (including the dogs when he wants to)

At the time of our wedding about a year and a half ago, Maggie was our only dog. I chose to pick her as our ring bearess. She did great as usual. Not every day you see a dog in a wedding, but thats how much they mean to us. In fact, the ignorant priests that oversee the pastor that did our wedding wouldn't allow our dog in the church because they didn't want it to become a trend... So I said "ok, we will find someone who will" and we left. Best decision we ever made.
