Post your pets

fox going after my camera a few min ago

Baxter is a English Lop. He should get to be 13+ pounds and is essentially free range at my place when Im home.
Odin is a Lionhead Rabbit. Basically he has the "mane", which almost makes it look like he has people hair. The "mustache" is really just his fur color. Also he has 1 eye.
Brock-- A rescue- had eye surgery, went through heartworm treatment, Sweet Rotty.
Brown guy is Chas- another rescue
And Loba-- 1-1/2 yr Pure shepherd- Very energenic-

This was my best buddy- lost him in '05. He was 10.5 yrs/ 113lbs and an amazing "personality". Seems weird; but I was more broken up from losing him, than when a younger brother passed. (I know where my bro is).

Here's my 8 month old Dobie, Spartan Leonidas. He is 100 pounds already, and they grow until approximately 18 months.

40 pounds of food every three weeks.

My last Dobie was a female, she was 65 pounds full grown. THIS one got a wild gene...

it seems so long ago that baby crates actually kept our dogs in certain areas of a house... now if they want to get to another area, they could move walls if they wanted to.
