OK, its Wednesday morning and the guy has broken his word again. He never sent a tracking number. The possibility that he did ship it is still there, but based on the track record, I would call it unlikely.
Here are the details:
This isn't just an individual, it is some kind of company.
---The item is a polished Skeleton Triple Tree just like the one Veltune was selling on clearance, except the buy now price was only $139 from this guy.
---His name is
Craig Kabot. Again he claims to sell on this site every day!
---The company listed is
NYCParts from New York. They also sell things like swing arms, huggers, undertails, and exhausts via ebay.
---I have encountered the following e-mail addresses from the transaction records and responses from him:
---ebay location
---I waited till now to post all of this information because if the guy came thru, I wanted to be able to say that. However, he has blown me off numerous times, and then had the nerve to basically tell me to chill out. I don't know what the problem is, but he obviously doesn't have hundreds in stock like he claims and it says on ebay.
---I couldn't be happier if this guy received a ton of e-mails from .org members telling him that they will not do business with him and that they are going to spread the word.
---If this guy's name or one of these e-mail addresses is on this site, I would appreciate knowing who this guy is, so that we can avoid him in the future. If he is legit and has any balls, he will stand up on this board and explain himself.
---Now I will file my complaint, get my money back, and see if I can still buy this from Veltune..........I am assuming that this guy isn't Veltune!
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