haha, Thanks Haywood
Thanks Wag,
wow, lots of info... Thanks a million for sharing
We are lucky to be able to talk about anything and everything. We have talked about all those things at some point in our relationship so far... PHEW!
Kids, i want 2, she wants 2 or 3... but we agree on what happens... happens. At least we agree on kids! We both agree that its us that really wants to raise the kids and if that means one of us staying home, that would be fine by us. Ideally, she wants to stay home and I could work from home (my job permits that). But we both understand the situation.
Sex - We were very fortunate to discover each other without the interference of being physical. We have grown to be best friends. Being one spiritually and mentally, physically is the added bonus and comes naturally. But the important thing is to find your match spiritually and mentally first. Physically 'matching' with someone is trivial. Sex in marriage? Here's a quote we both agree on: When a man and woman marry, they become one flesh and their body is now shared with their partner; it no longer belongs solely to him or herself. “The husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intimacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband. The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband also gives authority over his body to his wife†(1Cor 7:3-4)
Money, agreed on one account. We both agree there is no need for separation and distinction in this. We are in this together. Never take advantage of your parents. They will feel the need to take care of you, but we are more than capable to handle things on our own. I agree about constantly taking handouts from someone especially parents as you put it would eventually lead to a lack of self-respect. Good point!
School - we have both finished our education but possibly will take additional follow-up or part-time courses once in a while to keep our minds fresh
Career - Hey, I'm a crossing guard...
haha, j/k we're both in the "computer" arena. She does technical support and I do software development. She has also expressed a possible career change that we will talk about more. I'm pretty comfortable where i am, but would also like to take some new courses for upgrades... We've also both explored for ways for the dream of working from home together and something we both like (more of my dream actually).
Friends and family - We are each others best friend that can share anything and everything with each other. We have met the friends we are close with and everyone gets along. All family lives close and gets along with each other just great. I have a sister who is married, lives about 15 minutes away, has 2yr old baby girl with fraternal twins on the way in a few weeks! My parents live about 30 minutes away, her family lives 2 minutes away with her brother and sister.
Living - there is no place we both would rather be and that's West Coast Canada. Vancouver is the place we both agree on. We love the outdoors and we both agree we have never been anywhere we would rather be. The weather here isn't too bad either!
Pre-marital couselling - we've asked the Pastor that is marrying us about this and we will be attending a course. There is also another course for those that are newly married that we plan on taking as well.
Prenup - We don't believe in them. Actually, there won't really be anything to put in one because everything is being liquidated, everything must go! Hurry the sale runs out soon.. Limited time! haha, everything is being sold or donated at the moment. We will both want to start from scratch.
Live together first - been there, done that... never again. I lived with someone for 4 years and that was the worst mistake i could ever make. Why? Moving in with someone just to see if i could stand them was the wrong way to go. There were already doubts and problems going into that situation that i thought would be fixed by living with her? It even sounds wrong the way I described it. But we all do it, thinking we need to live with someone first to solve problems...
how can u live with someone for so long and it being two seperate lives instead of just a shared life, a unquie union between two people. You can live with someone and get use to them, but have no real feeling toward them. Lesson learned I suppose. A lot of it as well is that people wish to live together first because there are already problems that aren't talked about hoping they will just resolve themselves but it doesn't turn out that way. It's sad to see that some laws today devalue the meaning of marriage with things like 'common law' and same-sex marriages (yes, opening up a can of worms for some of you). It tends to make people think that marriage is just a piece of paper when it's a heck of a lot more than that. (Wish i knew that before and anyways i could write a book on that). I wish I did it right and waited to find the right person first. Find that one person out there meant for you and all your 'living together' problems are minor. Putting up with a a towel on the floor or a misplaced spoon or a messy sink or a dirty towel or a left open cupboard are trivial problems... If those kinds of things drive you to a point that u can't stand each other, it's time to start looking for the real issue cause it's not really those little things
Those are little things you put up with.
Again, i am really really happy you shared what u did, Wag... Much appreciated and its a good review of everything. It's easy to get lost in the fury of wedding planning, but have to remember not to forget about ourselves.
Well i hope we've already gone thru the worst of things... Haha, we both say we've been thru hell and back already, but we expect new challenges to come up and possibly even tougher than before
As for Eloping... man that's a whole different book
Most of all, we both feel the love and friendship for each other. I can tell her i love her just by looking at her and she'll just smile... just cause she knows.
And last but not least, Wag, if that's your short list, I'm sure we'd be interested in the long list
Bill, call me a geek, but i wrote a small countdown timer... haha, here's a screenshot
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