Racial Tension in SC is undeniable! Do you think the flag should be removed?

Should Confederate Flag be removed from Gov't Buildings in SC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • No

    Votes: 22 73.3%

  • Total voters
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Don that's bull****. Mass media is helping hide the fact that minorities are being housed disproportionately in a prison industrial complex. Many live in communities under occupation by out of control police forces that are extorting revenue from them (Ferguson gets 75% of it's revenue from this). This is shameful. It's shameful that it is happening in the USA in 2015 and it's shameful that there are so many apologists that sit by and let it happen because they think blacks are expendable. The media seeks to not have people connect the dots. This is not about a single crazy white kid or a random police shooting, it is another shameful racial episode in our country's history coming to light. It is not an accident that police can get the most dangerous, most heavily armed white criminals into custody without violence but they can't make a simple stop without blowing 50 holes in unarmed blacks.
Arch, please don't misunderstand my meaning... I didn't mean to imply that the media is totally responsible. I understand and agree there are a lot of problems. My point was that it doesn't really matter what the situation is, mass media turns EVERYTHING into a crisis of epic proportions because it gets the story and chasing the dollar. In rereading my post I can see why someone might think I was trying to lay this off on the media.
And for your information the flag isn't on top of the SC government building. It resides on a flag pole next to a soldiers monument. Commemorating an historical event. So it seems you are upset over something you might not fully understand?
I'm sorry not stop a government building but outside of the SC statehouse. My apologies. Didn't know that it was that big of a difference. So let me clarify. It should not be accepted either atop of, nor adjacent to a federal or state funded building, memorial etc. Now what day you on that.
The sad yet simple truth is you will never understand the how or why people of color feel the way they do because you have never walked a day in our shoes. Every time something like this pops up it the media's fault and it all being blown out of proportion. Anytime someone is hit by police there's always justification by some in this group regardless if they were arm d or unarmed or shot in the front or in the back. But when black people get upset about it someone always says it our fault because our parents didn't raise us properly. It just gets really old.
When I look at the confederate flag I see a symbol of where we need to never go again. A reminder to all that succession and slavery is not what we are about as a country. Symbols are what we make of them. They are also a type of speech and free speech is one of the tenets our country is based on. Take that away and we are on the road to our demise.

The reality is you can ban all the flags you want to. Peoples beliefs are not going to change because of that. Racism does not exist and is not going to go away because of a flag. Bottom line is all that is happening now is people are becoming more polarized and this debate is making things worse not better.

Man, we are getting dumber and dumber as a nation and as human beings.

It is pretty clear what the flag means and that it was raised over the SC capitol to signify racial domination and superiority. That is also why the KKK uses it. I don't have a problem with an individual flying a Nazi flag if that's the message they want to send out. But a government entity represents everyone and should not be engaged in flying a flag that represents white jihad and terror as well as treason to the USA. I do disagree with removing all memorials and statues, as this is more a documentation of history than flying the colors of traitors.

As far as companies dropping the flag, they have a right to do what they feel will make their customers happy. Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not other people. Make an arse of yourself and you pay the toll.

The video of the Dylann bail rearing was amazing. For these people to face the kid who took so much from them and offer forgiveness was stunning. Watching the interviews of the family members it struck me that many of them looked like the people who police were shooting down in the streets. Yet when given the opportunity to poor gas on the racial fires burning hot in this country they chose instead to extinguish them. And with that move they showed their humanity and their moral superiority to white supremacy terrorists. This church has a long history of fighting for civil rights and they showed it. Following that hearing things did change. People stepped back from the us vs. them mentality, at least for awhile.
It's funny but you guys aren't getting it. Do you think TV Land pulled the Duke's because it offends minorities? Grow up! They did it because they don't want to lose customers. You're are so ethnocentric that you don't realize you are a shrinking minority. Heck even NASCAR realizes their future profitability isn't with a segregated redneck audience! You shouldn't fly a confederate flag over government property because confederates were traitors to the United States of America and genocidal mass murderers not unlike Nazis. The stars and bars do in fact mean hate. It was adopted by the KKK as a symbol of white jihad and terror and it was flown over SC capitol in response to the federal order to desegregate. Heritage or history those are still the facts.

You must be as ignorant as you sound. So now supporters of the flag are segregated rednecks huh?
The flag does not represent the kkk. You have ZERO idea of the true history of that flag apparently and have been brainwashed into believing the sh!t being fed to you.

If the flag is the symbol of racism than what say you about the symbol these folks are carrying?

Surely your opinion MUST be the same? Surely you and your kind are actively advocating the removal of this 'symbol' from everywhere no? Surely you are actively seeking the recall of EVERY single American dollar bill worldwide so we can remove that racist slave owning Washingtons face from them right? Your logic must be equal across the board no? Or have you jumped on the idiot train and are just trying to erase southern heritage from history?

The origin of the flag had ZERO to do with slavery, nor did the civil war. It was about the individual states as asserting their constitutional rights to be sovereign from a federal govt.

Confederate History - Dispelling The Myths

Of course you are quiet on the fact the American flag, you know the Stars and Stripes flew over slave ships for more than one hundred years before the Battle Flag was created. Of course you ignore the fact the Stars and Stripes flew in front of the U.S. Army during its eradication of the Native American Indians. Why because the red man was a backward breed and the white man was superior. But now let's remove everything to do with the south and the civil war and erase their history over this symbol. It's both laughable and extremely offensive to people like me.
Allow me to leave you with some quotes from the great emancipator himself regarding slaves. And then tell me how the south and the Battle Flag is a racist symbol.

1. On the expansion of slavery:

Lincoln said:
There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races ... A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas ...
2. On shipping blacks back to Africa:

Lincoln said:
In the language of Mr. Jefferson, uttered many years ago, "It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation, and deportation, peaceably, and in such slow degrees, as that the evil will wear off insensibly; and in their places be, pari passu [on an equal basis], filled up by free white laborers."
3. On outlawing slavery in the south (before the rebellion).

Lincoln said:
I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.
4. On equality:

Lincoln said:
I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.
5. On inter-racial marriage:

Lincoln said:
Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.

Abraham Lincoln Quote

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the ***** should be denied everything.”


Abraham Lincoln
(1809-1865) 16th US President

Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858
(The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume III, pp. 145-146.)

So once again it appears you logic is one sided or illogical if not applied evenly across the board.
Like I said if you want to wave that flag as an individual Blanca knock yourself out. I didn't think much of you before and I think even less of you now. But I forgive you.

Edit: You remind me of Clayton Bixby Lol!
Tell that to these people there buddy.

Southern Heritage 411


Your lack of an intelligent rebuttal to the FACTS I've presented prove my point. Liberals are incapable of accepting truth and logic. Enjoy your ignorance.
What's to rebut? You presented that the KKK also coopted the American Flag, knew that. That Lincoln didn't really give a damn about freeing the slaves, knew that. And that black people fought for the south during the civil war, I think that's the most worn out fact of all the apologists. I think you posted stuff you thought would piss me off but like I said I don't care what people do in their own private lives. If you want people to see that as your avatar in this time in history knock yourself out. You do know you are fighting for the wrong team though don't you buddy? Remember what happened on here when you flew off in defense of your people (Palestinians)?

So now I'm done. :laugh:
Boy this world would be sooooooooo much better if we didn't categorize ourselves :whistle: Maybe one day in a perfect world we can look at each other as brothers and sisters/humans this world would be such a better place. Just saying....And everyone enjoy their 4th of July weekend! Be safe! :thumbsup:
So war wasn't about slavery, just used as a cover up reason to go to war.

Both current American flag and "Confederate battle flag(not the actual confederate flag)" were wave by the KKK and only one is catching grief and not the other. You have "ONE" punk kid use confederate battle flag and because he committed an act of racial violence it's now a huge issue. I very seriously doubt he knew 1/10th of what that's been presented here in this thread of the flags heritage. You brought up the involvement of the KKK using the Confederate flag and say you have issues with that and come back and say "Oh I knew that also" about the American flag shows either ignorance or a person who is purposely picking pieces of history while leaving out other crucial information just to make their point look like the end to all ends. I must be disliked even more now cause I am pointing out your shortcomings too? Don't know how much less of me you could already possibly think though. My view on you is someone who share a difference of opinion. I'm probably one of those political racist's your mentioned earlier.

You talk of the south as traitors, Wasn't that how this country was formed to begin with? We were traitors of England. Why? We wanted something different them what they wanted for us. Wasn't the south doing the same thing? Can't have that...

Posting stuff just to piss you off? How about posting stuff that is of our American history. If you get pissed off over it, that's all on you.

Blanca going on the defense... Guess you saying it turned out not so well. You're probably correct. So what's that got to do with this? You saying he should be pissed off because of what exactly? I'm sure there was much ignorance posted back then as there is now.
Like I said if you want to wave that flag as an individual Blanca knock yourself out. I didn't think much of you before and I think even less of you now. But I forgive you.

Edit: You remind me of Clayton Bixby Lol!

Difference between you and I is I DONT FORGIVE YOU or your kind. Your kind is bent on destroying and erasing history.
How do you conduct your life without using any symbols of racism? Do you only spent $5 dollar bills or larger? Would be a terrible thing for a person like yourself to use such a horrible thing as a one dollar bill. If you did that would make you a hypocrite.
And further prove my point.

So let's see, the kkk used the Battle Flag and that makes it a symbol of their racism.
And the kkk used the American Flag, which by the way you say you knew, and that is not a symbol of racism.
Yeah right. Either both ARE or neither ARE. You can either admit your logic is wrong or continue to look like once again a hypocrite.
Poll is 14 NOs and only 7 YESs. Gee I guess we are all segregated rednecks according to Arch. :rofl:
Difference between you and I is I DONT FORGIVE YOU or your kind. Your kind is bent on destroying and erasing history.
How do you conduct your life without using any symbols of racism? Do you only spent $5 dollar bills or larger? Would be a terrible thing for a person like yourself to use such a horrible thing as a one dollar bill. If you did that would make you a hypocrite.
And further prove my point.

So let's see, the kkk used the Battle Flag and that makes it a symbol of their racism.
And the kkk used the American Flag, which by the way you say you knew, and that is not a symbol of racism.
Yeah right. Either both ARE or neither ARE. You can either admit your logic is wrong or continue to look like once again a hypocrite.

Anyone can send me their 1 dollar bills if they now feel offended by them... PM for my PO box addy. HAHA!
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