Now there's something we agree on. I love LS too.
So how about this article/video? Racism or resisting arrest?
Finally, a video proves that hero cop did the right thing | New York Post
Guys this is not about slavery, its about a prison industrial complex and the police forces that are sweeping up people of color disproportionately and taking them out of mainstream society. This is the slavery issue of our time. People are fighting the police because they know this. Look at the posts of active duty police on this site - if you are a minority would you trust justice to these people? Of course not! If people on this site want to claim slavery didn't happen and no one was responsible or benefitted from it, fine - the facts on this are pretty clear and we just have to make sure history is not "adjusted". BTW black people didn't take your Dukes of Hazzard, Dylann Roof did.
Guys this is not about slavery, its about a prison industrial complex and the police forces that are sweeping up people of color disproportionately and taking them out of mainstream society. This is the slavery issue of our time. People are fighting the police because they know this. Look at the posts of active duty police on this site - if you are a minority would you trust justice to these people? Of course not! If people on this site want to claim slavery didn't happen and no one was responsible or benefitted from it, fine - the facts on this are pretty clear and we just have to make sure history is not "adjusted". BTW black people didn't take your Dukes of Hazzard, Dylann Roof did.
Sorry, but you are a complete idiot(borderline delusional). Not one person is saying slavery didn't exist. No one responsible? No one claimed that. What was said is the North and south share the blame.
Sweeping up people of color? News flash... Have them stop shooting one another(among other crimes) and you will see less sweeping you are referring to. According to you it's a byproduct of living in poverty and didn't matter what color lived that way. it's stuff that just happens.
I've sat in court rooms(I have a clean record) and seen how various people act. Didn't matter on their color. If they acted like trash, hood, disrespectful, etc... they got treated accordingly. I won't mention my observations of who acted less then proper, but it was easy to see what race had what common attitude.
Dylann Roof took it? Another idiot remark. One ill-informed racist didn't do it. It was others blowing things out of proportion who caused it.
So again... Post up some stuff to support your claims.
Lycan6 - Nice video. Talks about slave ships bringing slaves to America. Those ships didn't hold the Battle Flag that is under debate here. Talked about how cotton was big industry and it happened to be the south that had the farms. Well the climate was more suited for farming. When the south wanted to break off from the north, the north seen this as a financial problem for them and said no you can't do that. Bam war! I'm not saying life wasn't bad for a slave back then. It was. Still no link to the south using a specific flag as a symbol of slavery.
Strife it's not about what percent of blame goes north or south of the Mason-Dickson line. This entire conversation is about settled facts. But you guys do come at this conversation from the point of view that "it was ok because........" The flag over the SC capitol is wrong and should come down because it was put there long after the civil war and it was done out of hate to protest desegregation. WalMart, TV Land and NASCAR following the lead is about them seeing that more and more there market share is of color and they don't want to be seen as an exclusive club. If you guys aren't aware that the demographics of this country have changed, those stores are.
Read the AG's report from Ferguson. It's unbelievable that this sort of stuff is going on. Frankly I had been told this by many people but didn't believe it myself. During my posts on the Mike Brown shooting, I said something must have set him off. As it turns out the Ferguson PD was using J-walking as a leading way to get money out of the population. It is amazing that a city could get 75% of it's revenue from fines on it's poorest citizens who happen to all be black. I noticed you all didn't bring that report up. there is no way you can see this the same way after understanding what the Ferguson PD was doing.
OK, this is going around and around so I'm done. I may respond to Skydiver when he chimes in as I'm sure it will be a good retort. I'll continue to ignore Siiad lol.
Read the AG's report on Ferguson.
I only got about 100 in today.I rode 318 miles today....anybody else?..............
Guys this is not about slavery, its about a prison industrial complex and the police forces that are sweeping up people of color disproportionately and taking them out of mainstream society. This is the slavery issue of our time. People are fighting the police because they know this. Look at the posts of active duty police on this site - if you are a minority would you trust justice to these people? Of course not! If people on this site want to claim slavery didn't happen and no one was responsible or benefitted from it, fine - the facts on this are pretty clear and we just have to make sure history is not "adjusted". BTW black people didn't take your Dukes of Hazzard, Dylann Roof did.