
how bout a raffle for a brand new 07 busa
that would be nice
I like the helmet idea as well...tires are always good...guess there's nothing wrong with going back to what worked before, right?
from looking back at the raffles the General Maitenance Items seem to do better Tires,chains, etc
but things that I'm looking at are Chatterboxs(or similar), radar detector, frame sliders, stands(tired of using the bar and jack stands) things like that oh yeah a set of tobins like SG mentioned would be sweet

some of the Bling stuff I'm not totally into, I don't want a show bike I bought this thing to Ride

I think when everyone chimes in you'll have a general Idea which way to go
stand would be a great one you can never have enough of those maybe that new sprocket set a yellow box a gauge glow thing yes i am an idiot
Would be another big one maybe, but i'd be willing to pay up to $60 for a ticket...

Dymag carbon wheels...

Couple of ideas come to mind..
Radar detectors (+3)
Gift certificate for $$ to be used with a sponser however winner decides.


Smart tre

Dry Nitrous kit (my next item I want. was talking with jester and I think he said a 2 pound dry nitrous kit that comes with a 40 shot, 60 shot and 80 shot nozzels were in the $300.00 range (I think that was the about price)

I am do for a chain and some sprockets so I would do a raffle for that, maybe have one raffle that would be for a chain and front and rear sprockets of choice

I would pop in for a tire

I know for me I have been a little discouraged, I have dropped coin on I think most of the raffles and just kind of like the lottery, after awhile I just get burned out on dropping coin and not winning anything so I start to slow up. I know a raffle is just that, a raffle but you still cant help but get discouraged after awhile.. and I dont think there is anything that can be done about that except fix the next raffle so I win

Hope that input helps some
Helmets, stands, chains, sprockets, exhaust systems, gloves, speedo-healers, reverse lit gauges, gear indicator, shift light, power commander........just to name a few!!! LOL!!!
Chain, front and rear sprocket. The maintenance kit you did went quick.

I typically jump in on Tires, Chain, Sprokets, General wear items.

Hopefully the org is taking in some cash on all of these raffles. Even Pilot Powers.

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Hey Cap... I would like to see more raffles for a variety of items going on all the time in the raffle section; instead of one or two what if we had 5 or 6 diff. items up for raffle all the time. I noticed that I miss a lot of raffles, when I check in from time to time, one has just ended, or there is a raffle for an item that is not a "hot" item. I feel that if we polled the org and got the top 5 desired items people would buy tickets for, then stagger the raffles so that the minute one ends, another replaces it (5 items is perfect, one for each day of the work-week)
Just my .02
Luggage,Gps,dress up kits (Bolts) Undertails,Huggers, 2nfd the Pazzo levers...
Chains, tires (of course), helmets, throttle meister, sprockets, Gift cert to a sponser for gear - or jackets, gloves that can be size specified, speedohealer, undertails, huggers, chain guards (saw a nice chrome Hayabusa one at the dealer yesterday
), guages...

oh wait, is that my recommendations or my wish list.
hugger...riding gear (jackets, gloves, helmets & boots) or even gift certificates to vendors.
Oil and filter, 10w40, you can raffle as much as you want.  1, 5, 10 gallons.
Tires,  Pilot Powers
Brake pads, braided lines, rotors.
Air filters, BMC race.
Chain and sprokets.
Spark Plugs...
Cleaning supplies, rags, and chain lubricants.

Consumables should always sell as long as you get the ones that are most widely used.

Levers, ohlins shocks, swingarms, etc...  while some want them, others don't.  And if the raffle tickets run more than $5.00, people are only going to jump in if they REALLY want the raffle item.

Hey Cap, what price range of items does the .org make the most from;
$501 and up??

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why don't we do a raffels like 1~$200.00 cupons and 2~$400.00 and then big ones $10,000.00...then you don't have to look up or ask everyone what do they like...well, just 1 for the big one, but you can make 5 each for the small ones...(anything like radar to pazzo is with in 200, helmet and rearset communications up to 400, and for 07 busa for 10,000 need little more than that, you still can manage that with 10k...) thats what I think...
why don't we do a raffels like 1~$200.00 cupons and 2~$400.00 and then big ones $10,000.00...then you don't have to look up or ask everyone what do they like...well, just 1 for the big one, but you can make 5 each for the small ones...(anything like radar to pazzo is with in 200, helmet and rearset communications up to 400, and for 07 busa for 10,000 need little more than that, you still can manage that with 10k...) thats what I think...
cache is that you behind the mask?