Raffles are over for now... Someone complained

Can anyone fill me in on Bessie? I want to donate, but I would like a bit of back story if someone is willing.

Thanks :)
They stated it was reported... we have been doing raffles like this for years... they had the exact URL of the raffle in the forum....

I now have a pretty good idea who it was...

Disappointing, but I'm confident you will find a solution.

Can anyone fill me in on Bessie? I want to donate, but I would like a bit of back story if someone is willing.

Thanks :)

I'm kind of in the same boat with you Vonderbach. I don't really know anything about the individual this work is being done for except it seems he doesn't like photos of bikini-clad women and is a gainfully employed member of the site who is also a moderator. I haven't been here long enough to have had the opportunity to interact with this member enough to have any sense about who they are. I hope someday to get the opportunity to visit with this person, as he/she appears to be respected by some of the longer-term members of this site.

I think this is probably a great project to get behind for those who know the individual. For those of us who don't, it's tougher to understand what the effort is trying to accomplish when there are a number of members who seem to be better candidates for charity.

This is not intended to be interpreted as a criticism of the effort, the recipient, or anyone involved in the project. It is nothing more than the perspective of one member who might be motivated to donate if the level of need warranted it.
Shawn is a great guy and has not asked for this work to be done to his bike. The only issue I have with this is little "B" symbol that you get for donating. I think it kind of segregates our group even though the intentions are good.
What goes around comes around...

Hold your head high Doug, don't let the rabble get you down!
Tell us who it is so we can


Before everyone goes on a witch hunt trying to pin this on a member of the site, it might be worthwhile to think that it very well may have been that PayPal noticed a suspicious pattern of payments to the account in question and did a little research themselves.

Multiple, whole dollar amounts with the word "raffle" in the message wouldn't really be that tough for monitoring software at PayPal to flag.

This is a good point, Brian, and a great place to start from.

I'm sorry that this happened, but what is the problem?

I know that CAp will sort it out...so why all the hate until we know more?
Posted via Mobile Device


While my sentiments are just like everyone else's in this thread, and yes we were reported, I must say this. I hope the individual responsible for this minor set back feels the joy of Karma as it comes around. Because I sincerely believes it does. You will find out one of these days when you hit rock bottom why we do this, why we care, why we help each other, why we lift each other up with words, support, and yes sometimes financially. And you know what, we may not find out who you are, you may very well indeed become the person we help.
While this sucks moist hiney on a hot summers day, it only temporary and we will find a way to continue being the oRg, continue doing what we do best, continue to take care of each other as best we can. Where there is a will, there is a way. That is all I have to say.

Well said, James. I do believe the whole .oRg community will continue to be supported in the same ways it always has been. We are intelligent and creative enough to carry on as a family oriented organization. As in all families, there will be those with little capacity to accept the love and support that we all thrive on in what ever shape or form.

It would be difficult, and a test of all our character fiber, to consider even this perpetrater of poopified provocation as some one in need of a giant group hug....under a few hundred of us, continually, as in a jumping up and down motion...ehmm...anyway...

I used to do it for the members but it became counter productive, just frustrated members and some you could figure out who they were pretty easily... I dont want anything bad to come to anyone even those that have been asked not to come back.... I do still post the for the admins just in case I dissapear one day.... :)

I can only imagine, Doug, how difficult this must be. My smart-azz little 'Not much biotch' response to your 'What's up lady's...and Beth' comment at Eureka Springs and then my 'flying fickled finger of faith' at the dam kind of come into perspective now. Please accept my humblest apologies.

For me, I've only been in much smaller incidents of ridicule and scorn. Granted they came from some people I probably put a little too high up the pedestal (and it's taken me a looong time to 'get over it'!!!) there is no way I could maintain a very high level of grace in such an ongoing environment of deek 'eads. My support, in whatever fashion within my means and humanly possible, is for you and the .oRg family.

It may be important enough for us all to maintain a low profile with our emotional response to these actions. We just need to continue finding ways to live as a supportive and encouraging family...the rest of this will come out in the wash. Keep level heads and we will continue smooth sailing.

Rough waters will be for those who rock the boat....

Thank you all for who you have become in my life! You'll never know this side of whatever lies ahead for us after this life, the perspectives you all have helped me gain from your different walks of life. I salute each and every one and look forward to meeting up with you all at some point along the way!

Have a Good 'un! :thumbsup: :beerchug:
why am i not suprised, what the heck is this world coming too......even if it is paypal, what was it hurting....just sad....
Disappointing, but I'm confident you will find a solution.

I'm kind of in the same boat with you Vonderbach. I don't really know anything about the individual this work is being done for except it seems he doesn't like photos of bikini-clad women and is a gainfully employed member of the site who is also a moderator. I haven't been here long enough to have had the opportunity to interact with this member enough to have any sense about who they are. I hope someday to get the opportunity to visit with this person, as he/she appears to be respected by some of the longer-term members of this site.

I think this is probably a great project to get behind for those who know the individual. For those of us who don't, it's tougher to understand what the effort is trying to accomplish when there are a number of members who seem to be better candidates for charity.

This is not intended to be interpreted as a criticism of the effort, the recipient, or anyone involved in the project. It is nothing more than the perspective of one member who might be motivated to donate if the level of need warranted it.

PM sent.
Hate to hear about the issues Doug, sent a donation so the hit might not be quite as bad~!~
The person should be banned and outted.
Was it someone intentionaly reporting or did they just include raffle in details.
Posted via Mobile Device

we just need to get a rope....

This is unbelievable. what the F is wrong with people?
Paypal is the devil :moon: and who ever was the one to report this shold goto :laugh:

I don't understand why anyone would be upset about others trying to raise some funds to help others.
It's prob someone who feels like we should be helping THEM out... People are dumb like that sometimes. Jealously is a disease.
Was this the Zumo raffle from a few months ago or was there a new Zumo raffle that I was unaware of? If it is a new one I hope cap finds a way to set it up again. I'm a sucker for raffles especially when the money goes to a good cause. :thumbsup::beerchug: