Raffles are over for now... Someone complained

I don't understand, I've never had a PayPal acct. So can someone explain to me why this is "prohibited" by PayPal in the 1st place? Why should they care how their service is getting used? Doesn't Cap have to pay them to use their service?
I was wondering why the H E L L you sent my money back. This suxs I was looking forward to this raffle.
Another consideration was that it wasn't a member at all.

It could have easily been any 'guest' to whom our threads are 'open.'

Oooor...it could have been a member. We shall see.
it's unbelievable that some low-life loser would do something like this! all we do is try to help a brother out and this is how they repay us! if this was an intentional act, i hope they have a year filled with unexplainable problems with their ride that keeps them from enjoying a single day on the road!!!
As for the Douchebag that opened his piehole....I hope you're very proud and Karma is a b*tch! :punch:
Another consideration was that it wasn't a member at all.

It could have easily been any 'guest' to whom our threads are 'open.'

That was my first thought, so I logged out to see if the "donate" option was still visible. I found it wasn't, but as you suggest that wouldn't stop someone from reading about the raffle if there were a thread.
Our management team where I work has a saying and it is appropriate here; "never let a good deed go unpunished". Too bad seemed like a decent thing to do and a win-win for everyone.
What a complete crock of horsepucky.

SOMEONE here must know who this class "A" POS is. Man up. Let the rest of us know.

This loser needs to be tared and feathered........ then kicked in the ding-ding. Hard.

I'll tell ya.. it's hard to express the amount of distain I feel for this person and still abide by the no cussin' rule here... :laugh:
I'm sorry that this happened, but what is the problem?

Do the raffles violate PayPal's policies? Did someone dispute a transaction? Has PayPal made a mistake?...Seems to me that were all making judgements without much info to go on.

I know that CAp will sort it out...so why all the hate until we know more?
Posted via Mobile Device
While my sentiments are just like everyone else's in this thread, and yes we were reported, I must say this. I hope the individual responsible for this minor set back feels the joy of Karma as it comes around. Because I sincerely believes it does. You will find out one of these days when you hit rock bottom why we do this, why we care, why we help each other, why we lift each other up with words, support, and yes sometimes financially. And you know what, we may not find out who you are, you may very well indeed become the person we help.
While this sucks moist hiney on a hot summers day, it only temporary and we will find a way to continue being the oRg, continue doing what we do best, continue to take care of each other as best we can. Where there is a will, there is a way. That is all I have to say.

Before everyone goes on a witch hunt trying to pin this on a member of the site, it might be worthwhile to think that it very well may have been that PayPal noticed a suspicious pattern of payments to the account in question and did a little research themselves.

Multiple, whole dollar amounts with the word "raffle" in the message wouldn't really be that tough for monitoring software at PayPal to flag.

They stated it was reported... we have been doing raffles like this for years... they had the exact URL of the raffle in the forum....

I now have a pretty good idea who it was...
This happened to someone on here and as I recall they found away around it

Anybody remember the thread, I think it had something to do with helping out a co-worker[/QU THAT WAS ME opps caps doug call me 814 462 4781 or message me ill explain how 2 get around this
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I have no problem with Paypal taking action on this, after reading all of the accepted use policies they had no option but to do what they did when it was reported...

What I can't accept is that someone is so friggin bitter with me that they would contact paypal and report this to them.... that my friends is pathetic.....

You guys have no idea how many hate emails I get a week, people that have been banned that just can't accept that they have been locked out. So many people that just hate me for what I believe in and for how we run the site. You would not believe the pathetic lives that some people have....... How sad is it when the only way to get to someone is to hurt others in the process....

We have not accepted one penny from the raffles that have occured over the past 2 years, they have all gone to projects for members on the site... What has made us different is the ability of the members to overlook their personal beliefs and attitudes and set all the drama aside in a time of real need for others... Shawn's bike build hasn't been a "Need" it has been a desire to show our appreciation to a US Marine for his service, to show one of our members, to show one of our admins that we can make a difference and we appreciate his service... nothing more, nothing less.

The more people that come to this site the more opinions, the more hate and the more we see this type of backroom tactics. It's pretty obvious that someone here doesn't agree with the raffle......

Either way, the bike build will continue, maybe not with raffles but now I am pissed and that my friends is the worst part of me there is....

No one will tell me what I can do, they may be able to change how I do it but we will overcome this...

again i got around it but first secure your account..new methods come after
Posted via Mobile Device
Ok, who's our smart IT guys and gals on the sight? Can someone help Cap figure out who this low life is if you have the URL? My IT skills would be of no help.
. that my friends is pathetic.....
You guys have no idea how many hate emails I get a week
The more people that come to this site the more opinions, the more hate and
the more we see this type of backroom tactics. CAp

Take heart, cap. Huge amount of non-haters here. Who appreciate
your efforts.
Ok, who's our smart IT guys and gals on the sight? Can someone help Cap figure out who this low life is if you have the URL? My IT skills would be of no help.

I can get an IP address from an email, and a physical address from the IP address....but thats about it. Only way I can think of to find out who it was would be if paypal would give the emailed complaint to cap....but I highly doubt that they can/would do that.