Wow. You've done it all. Can you still turn lock to lock with both the Genmar and Helibars installed?
depends on his windshield and which genmar he has.
Wow. You've done it all. Can you still turn lock to lock with both the Genmar and Helibars installed?
5'11" genmar and Helibars is the way to go. But if I had to chose only one it would be genmar hands down.
1.25" is the max you can raise regardless of what combination you use. Even then you have to tip your levers down just a tad and you should use longer brake lines on the front.. I didn't but it is recommended..
5'10", bad neck and back from MC wreck, Soupy's lowering kit and I can ride all day and night without a worry. Before I lowered the bike, I just tightened my stomach muscles while riding. This took a lot of strain off my lower back. After a few weeks it became an automatic thing to do.
im 5'10 so not really needed for me BUT if i was doing alot of touring Id do it.
I'm 6'0" with 1.25" Gen Mar riser, Corbin seat which is about an inch lower than stock and Buell peg mod which is about 1.5" lower than stock. I had a DB windshield but with the Corbin seat I had to go back to the stock windshield. Too much buffeting.
5'11" 230lbs Genmar 3/4 riser, Helibars, and Corbin seat. I do a lot of riding and like to go on long 4 or 5 hour rides one way. After about 8 months my hands started to go numb 30 min into the rides. Already had the riser and Corbin installed, added the Helibars and no problems now.
Yes I still can turn lock to lock. But did shorten the sides of the touring windshield as the brake and clutch resovoirs would hit. Now it's no problem. With the Tobin seat and the Buell pegs can easily do over 600 miles in a day. Good luck.