Relationships nowadays

ive been here less than a year and I knew this about Michael.... 1400 combat hours...
Yeah I'm looking out more for my Bros (including you) on the forum than "low hanging fruit" so?
wouldn't it be great if you could just go out and buy a sense of humor?

wouldn't it be great if you could just go out and buy a sense of humor?[/QUOTE]

Yeah your right no one here thinks I have a sense of humor. Oh wait just you so you must be correct.

wouldn't it be great if you could just go out and buy a sense of humor?

Yeah your right no one here thinks I have a sense of humor. Oh wait just you so you must be correct.[/QUOTE]
glad we came to this understanding... now get off my thread and go get ureself a sense of humor.... watch that the screen door doesn't hit you in the ass on the way out,
Yeah your right no one here thinks I have a sense of humor. Oh wait just you so you must be correct.
glad we came to this understanding... now get off my thread and go get ureself a sense of humor.... watch that the screen door doesn't hit you in the ass on the way out,

Wait, we can throw people out of our thread? How come I'm just finding this out?
I cannot EVER let someone disrespect me.... we let nothing slide.. let nothing go.

Who is this “we”?

As for this, “not to be funny or disrespectful.... but this kinda looks like maybe.... kinda..... a DUDES ass...... no???????”

I guess you’d know more about what a DUDES ass looks like better than I would......yes???????
Ut oh. I hope Ali is going to show us that sense of humor with that one...………..
Let me tell u something.... when I was newjack working in a NY max prison.... as I still do... I'm in the jungle every day....Anyhow... when iu was new I spent 3 months working intake and reception....and do you know what I did down there in intake a reception... its called NUTTS AND BUTTS..... I stripped em.... over 500 dudes a day.... so YES.. I do know exactly what a dudes ass looks like... I know more than any human being ever should...
Just so you know Ali, Jelly is a pretty serious, accomplished dude. It maybe that he is just trying to help you out. I don't always agree with Jelly but I always check my roll by his comments.

Play On!
he isn't trying to help.. hes conda
Just trying to help you young man.
One true saying earlier from Arch, was look at life as yourself in the mirror.
My saying, "When you point a finger at someone, look at your hand and you will see three pointing back at you"
Personally, I choose never to be the victim and life is all about the decisions you make.
I only know you through the posts I read and sometimes I joke with you, but at times you can be an angry young man. We had a very respected member here, long gone but never forgotten. Two of the things he use to say:

1. Every day is a gift.
2. You judge the size of a man, by the size of the things which upsets him.
there is a saying in my line a work... give em an inch and they TRY to take a mile.... such clichés are for people who have never seen brutality.... Go tell holocaust victims that life is all about the DECISIONS you make..... its only simple like this when u build a bubble in ure life and think brutality and tragedy will never touch u.... tell an ALBANIAN that life is all about the decisioins u make... if u know nothing about their history and culture.. do some homework....
Hi alt 123. Yes I do. I think about it every day. I do not believe in a God, but I do believe in his way. I have seen to much uncalled for death to believe in him. I did a lot of Dust Off missions in Nam. I hope I helped save a lot of lives. I work for Meals on Wheels now. I know I have saved 2 lives so far in 3 yrs. I know I would have no problem taken one to save others or giving mine either. I was very upset when Trump called MS 13 animals. He should not have insulted the animals. the have no choice that is the way they live but people have a choice so MS 13 is worse than animals.
Michael.. u gotta hear this song... true story
he isn't trying to help.. hes conda

there is a saying in my line a work... give em an inch and they TRY to take a mile.... such clichés are for people who have never seen brutality.... Go tell holocaust victims that life is all about the DECISIONS you make..... its only simple like this when u build a bubble in ure life and think brutality and tragedy will never touch u.... tell an ALBANIAN that life is all about the decisioins u make... if u know nothing about their history and culture.. do some homework....
You live in the USA right, where do find it so bad?
Unemployment at a 15 year low?
Or, is there trouble at the trailer?
This thread is certainly getting down and dirty .... kind of like most of my relationships actually .... u know , honeymoon / Toad = soulmate , down the way , crash & burn / Toad = Ass'ol mate !! :rolleyes: